So what about cooking?

Haybox .... even with the discount I feel its just way too expensive! I might try making one with even more insulation, and see how it works, the price dosent tempt me I'm afraid.


Hi Dolmen

That's fine - unfortunately our investment means we can't drop the price too low - but there are other products out there - none as well priced, built or with such pleasant owners! ;-)

Please let us know how you get on - very interested to see the results of your experiments - it might be difficult to make something safe and portable (the Ecopot cooks on the go!) So be careful!

Slow Cookers

Sainsbury's sells a Russell Hobbs slow cooker for £14 that is small enough in circumference to sit in the sink whilst travelling, but deep enough to hold a meal for 3-4 people. It runs at 70-90 watts, so works well on any power setting with my 150w inverter which also cost £14 I think, from Aldi.
We used it most days on our recent French touring holiday. We stretched an elastic band over the top from one side handle to the other to hold the lid still and rolled a small towel up and laid around the base of the pot to stop it from moving in the sink. The only difficulty was waiting until evening to eat the meal that smelled so good all day long!!
Slow cooker versus - Ecopot

Hi again

With a little help from some people on here there should be some new information on the Ecopot appearing soon on our website. In the meantime and as I've been meaning to reply for ages to this.....
I thought I'd draw up the contrasting advantages of Ecopots and slow cookers.
Slow cookers have these advantages

Cheaper to buy

I'm really sorry but I can't think of any more! Let me know if you can ;-)


  • Cheaper in the long run as it saves energy compared to a slow cooker.
  • Is portable - no cables means the Ecopot can be transported easily anywhere you wish to take it!
  • Is safer - the Ecopot doesn't have any cables to plug in and has a lock down lid that won't fall off. There's also a carry handle if you want hot food on a picnic!
  • The Ecopot will also keep things cold if you want to take your ice-cream with you!
  • Never burn your food! The Ecopot will never overcook your food
  • Nutrition - The Ecopot won't waste any of the nutrients in your food through evaporation
  • No inverter needed - just put the Ecopot on your hob for ten minutes and you've started the process!
  • Personal service - you try getting the people form Russell Hobbs on here! ;-) We'll look after our customers!
  • Environment - The Ecopot is of course eco friendly!

Just a reminder that there is a link to a discount page on this topic a little earlier but the link will be taken down by the end of next week as the discounted pots will be coming to an end due to exports to the European market (where they pay more with postage!) - grab em while you can folks and feel free to contact us if you want to talk about the Ecopot......or football or motorbikes or music etc etc etc!

hi. i bought a new swan pressure cooker this week in trago mills one of our local cash n carry,s 14.99 for a 4 litre size .best bit of kit any motor home can have .just about cook anything from veg ,meat, cakes .never go away with out one.
Slow Cooker

My vote goes for the slow cooker on price and usefulness. The only downside is smelling your tea cooking half the day whilst you're on the road.

:have fun:
if you use a pressure cooker you can do just the same as the eco cooker . just bring it up to pressure then remove from heat wrap cooker in a duvet or blanket works in just the same way. people have been doing it for years . if cooking rice 2cups water 1 cup rice heat to boil wrap in blanket and forget it even in a normal pan with a lid on . think its time most went to a library and looked at what their granny used to cook in. and of pressure coker is 10-12 minutes you can have everything cooked ready to eat. why bother having it cooking slow all the goodness stays with it if cooked under pressure.
if you use a pressure cooker you can do just the same as the eco cooker . just bring it up to pressure then remove from heat wrap cooker in a duvet or blanket works in just the same way. people have been doing it for years . if cooking rice 2cups water 1 cup rice heat to boil wrap in blanket and forget it even in a normal pan with a lid on . think its time most went to a library and looked at what their granny used to cook in. and of pressure coker is 10-12 minutes you can have everything cooked ready to eat. why bother having it cooking slow all the goodness stays with it if cooked under pressure.

Hi Alan

I've never seen anyone carry a pressure cooker around in a duvet or blanket before - but if you can get it down to the river or sea or up a hill or mountain like that I take my hat off to you - not sure it'll stay hot or keep cooking like that either - the beauty of slow cooking is the tenderness of the meat or veg - the Ecopot is sealed too and the nutrients and goodness stay in the food while it's cooking. Plus it's safer than a pressure cooker and won't over cook your food..........
You should maybe try one? You may be pressure of course ('scuse the pun!) ;-)

Oh and I Granny used to walk everywhere and went on holiday to relatives...............progress is a beautiful thing sometimes and the Ecopot is progressive and convenient. ;-)
My vote goes for the slow cooker on price and usefulness. The only downside is smelling your tea cooking half the day whilst you're on the road.

:have fun:

Price to start with maybe - but usefulness? Have a look at the list on the comparison I did and see where the slow cooker can beat the Ecopot for value and use - price was honestly the only thing I could think of and then if you use the Ecopot you'll get that money back in the long run!

hi . yes i hope you do well if you dont try you will never know.
i use volcano/kelly kettles . and all sorts of weird cooking equipment . having been an armychef. i actually have a swedish or norweigen army insulated cooking pot just like your doing. its quite old . bit big for two persons but you part cook the food then tip it in . works on the same principle.
i still find an enamel self basting dish with the dimpled lid very usefull if you have an oven.
tagine cooking as well, works fine either on the gas or camp fire.
the army have been using all sorts of cooking gear for years . i find it all interesting .best of luck you might make your first million . and laugh about this soon. cheers alan.
Hi Alan,

What do you think to the Kelly Kettles. Often thought of buying one but wondered how long they would last and are they half as useful as they claim. Do they boil in five mins fueled on yesterdays newspaper? Thought they might save a bit of gas and get rid of a bit of rubbish but all sounded a bit too good to be true.

i have two .one i bought in 98 and took it around africa with me. the other bought from a car boot for a quid. great bit of kit . better for use in dry climates . good in the morning you can use up all the very small twigs that you get when breaking up campfire wood. i have used it alot .burns as they say. match stick size bits the best. i sometimes just drag a few ashes from the fire and use the kettle part . very quick. often wish i had the small frying pan that goes with them . but have used a small normal pan , it works. the one from the car boot as a water container with it fits inside the kettle ,think its quite old that one . use both when we are out in the desert. just rake around in the sand and burn the weeds you find there. if you ever get this way pop in i,ll show you them and we can have a try. usually always have one with the trailer . thefirst one came from k&j slavin(quest)in lincs . with it came the address of the kelly kettle companyin leamington spa. tel..01926 651460
hope it helps youmake a decision. cheers alan.
Yes Alan that helps a lot but are yours S/Steel or Aluminium ones.

cobb cooker

cobb cooker for us, with all the extras, will poss never use the fitted 2 burners and grill again its great, if useing aussie heat beads, drop in water after cooking and reuse after drying.
my 3 litre one is stainless the new one ali. i have several bigger ones all ali . the biggest takes 6 whole chicken. used it in a well known chicken fried take away. southern fried . boiled and chucked in fat just to make it seem fried thats the secret.
dont worry about the alli i,ve forgot it already i may have alli simmers desease.
must have it.. just realised you meant kelly kettles .both alli didnt know you could get stainless kelly kettles ..
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The biggest 3 pint comes in s/steel but I seem to remember reading that it was thin steel and did not last as long as the ali ones. Did not want to spend £70 on a kettle to burn a hole in it first use
that seems alot. have you tried kelly kettle company. i,m sure mine was only 34 quid.
i know some folk are against the alli cook pots. i dont worry .got fed up breaking ceramic tagines now have all alli.
bought the new pressure cooker its alli the seal for the old stainless is 16 quid bought a new swan cooker for 14,99 . cant win .
The 1 pint ali is £36.oo but the large 3 Pint full kit is £69.00. If I get one It will probable be the 2.6 pint Ali for £40.00 and put my own pan on top of a DIY stand. Don't know what the P&P is.
my original bought one is 2.5 pints from slaviin (quest)lincs 01507 313401..
the other as the sirram volcano kettle moulded in the alli .its a 2 pint one.
have to google sirram.the last one as a water container fits in the chimney and the firebox closes the bottom off. all very neatly.the fire box on the sirram is steel. the kelly all alli. i like the sirram much nicer made. let us know your decision. we could start a kelly kettle section . we could let off steam. ha ha .
tbear. have asearchon ebay kelly kettle .there are 3 on there . might save a shilling . i just googled sirram very interesting .mine might be worth a few shilling as it as the container. google the sirram volcano kettle. cheers alan.

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