Snow in France

By way of an example, for my old tech. engine it states in the
handbook and I quote;
Max. proportion of kerosene 50%.
Max. proportion of regular gasoline 30% (a maximum of 20% for vehicles with
fuel preheating system) No premium grade gasoline fuel allowed.
Kerosene is the preferred option, that or so called 'approved flow improver' additives.

Of course it would be prudent to keep these percentages as low as possible dependent on how brass monkeyish the weather. The handbook gives
a chart showing varying % depending on temp.

Thanks to all for your advice.
As we live about 2km from th village service station, I can't see me pushing the van there, if it doesn't run, one cold morning.. Or even worse, night.

Hang the expense, I'll go and top up with fresh diesel.
That should be OK, I think?
So much for planning.
They have just revised the weather forecast for the next week.... Cloudy, minimum temperature 9 degrees.

I'll just keep me brass in me pocket.
When all else fails, do as the Ruskies do, light a fire under the engine.
I'm fed up of these weather forecasters, the never get it right. A few people on our meet have cancelled due to the bad weather forecast.
Damn good idea , except our motorhome is basically a giant plastic Reliant Robin, with two wheels at the front.

So what happened to the 2 at the back? Get those then you'll have
one more than the Reliant. The Einglisch language eh!
I'm in Tavira, this morning.
It's a bit warmer, but I'm sure the van was sluggish going up the hills.
I'm now going to spend an hour or so, looking for diesel at less than 1.19€ a litre.
It's a Yorkshire thing.
Are you any warmer, Witzend?
Are you any warmer, Witzend?

No about 8° less here
I'm fed up of these weather forecasters, the never get it right. A few people on our meet have cancelled due to the bad weather forecast.

Which meet Ffion? I must confess I'm a winter weather worrier! Everyone's talking about snow chains/socks for Spain. Never got a mention last year, ignorance was bliss!
Cheapest diesel I've spotted so far in Spain is €1.029 /L That was card only
service. Cheapest in France €1.119. All within last 3weeks.

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