sleeping drunken in your Motorhome, do you get fined?

I was arrested for just that but as I said in earlier post charges were dropped as road partly belonged to me and a few more but also had a private sign !
Just so happened my mate was a sargent and he also owned part of the road and was willing to go against his colleagues . Just make sure you do not go to put the rubbish out in a drunken state on a quad with no lights ! lol

Glad you got off - but if others don't have friends who know how to beat the system they might not be so lucky! :)
A furtther complication is if you were asked to move the vehicle..the reasons could be many.

Firstly explain to the police you have had a drink and opl...which means drunk driving offence is avoided....but by being unable to drive, imo it would give more chance of a dic charge sticking.

I was originally of the opinion dic in a motorhome was an easy offence to defend...I have done a complete u turn
As others mention. Possession of keys could be a deciiding factor, this is a non starter though when enjoying a drink wilding.

I am still of the opinion the offence is absolute and not one I would relish defending in court

Intent is at best subjective

Intent is at best subjective


....and in one short phrase you have summed up why many lawyers are able to make a comfortable living!

To complicate things further, just by pushing your vehicle while drunk lays you open to arrest! All in all, best not to upset that nice Mr Plod. :)

These debates amongst similarly minded helpful types are what makes this site!

Personally as a wilder with my 14 y.o. son for company, if caught stinking of alcohol by a member of the constabulary I would either explain the fumes are from my son not me or explain it his he who will be doing the driving officer.

That's a joke btw, I never drink in the wilds incase asked to move.
Police have driven past loads of times and normally just nod or wave if in a carpark so they not bothered about motorhomes at all .

That is probably the best advice so far on this thread - a friend of mine is a retired traffic cop and he says that, as long as you are not causing trouble, they just aren't interested in motorhomes. Happy travels.
It is almost impossible to explain all aspects of this fairly complicated law in simple terms which is why I confined my comments to just a few pointers regarding being IN CHARGE (as opposed to driving or attempting to drive) since that was the original query.

Trust me that having practised and lectured in this aspect of law for many years I know most of the answers (not all, I will admit).

Suffice to say, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
It is almost impossible to explain all aspects of this fairly complicated law in simple terms which is why I confined my comments to just a few pointers regarding being IN CHARGE (as opposed to driving or attempting to drive) since that was the original query.

Trust me that having practised and lectured in this aspect of law for many years I know most of the answers (not all, I will admit).

Suffice to say, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

Absolutely agree - it was because there was a danger of people saying that this was ok and that was not that I pointed out that things are never as simple as that and you can find yourself in trouble even when you think you are safe.
What if there are 4 of you in the van and you all have a set of keys...?

If you have your keys with you yes thats here when we go fishing we always say the wife has taken them.

so if I pass the keys to the wife couldn't she get done if she was under the influence at that same point?

And seeing as we're on about "ifs and buts" and almost any imaginary scenario, how would it be if a man was completely stoned and, in his drunken stupor, kicked the handbrake off, thus
allowing his motorhome to roll down his drive
and flatten both the postman and the paperboy?

The keys were already posted through his letterbox. Everything, that happened, happened on his own property.

Regardless of the legal implications, what would be the insurance liabilities and consequences? :idea::(:confused::cry::sleep-027::sad::rolleyes2::wacko:

sean rua.
No idea, but I bet they wouldn't play like a rolling stone at the funeralchanna
An old bot last year got done in Yarmouth for being drunk in charge of his mobility scooter. LOL

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