I first camped with my parents in 1947 when I was 7 and my brother was 11. We went on sites for 2 weeks without any facilities except a water tap. The first thing my brother did was to dig 3 holes, toilet, grey water and a dry waste pit. We covered the solid matter with some earth and that was that. No smells or flies and at the end of the holiday to pits were refilled and the sods replaced. Easy!
Till I left home to join the RN we spent most of our holidays in a literals falling down cottage with an outside tap fed from the field drains. Solid stuff went into a rather revolting old Elsan bucket which was weekly emptied into a hole dug in a rarely used field. You peed against the dyke and grey water went back into the field drains. When it rained you had a shower or swam in the river.