Simploo composting toilet

I first camped with my parents in 1947 when I was 7 and my brother was 11. We went on sites for 2 weeks without any facilities except a water tap. The first thing my brother did was to dig 3 holes, toilet, grey water and a dry waste pit. We covered the solid matter with some earth and that was that. No smells or flies and at the end of the holiday to pits were refilled and the sods replaced. Easy!

Till I left home to join the RN we spent most of our holidays in a literals falling down cottage with an outside tap fed from the field drains. Solid stuff went into a rather revolting old Elsan bucket which was weekly emptied into a hole dug in a rarely used field. You peed against the dyke and grey water went back into the field drains. When it rained you had a shower or swam in the river.
Simploo, to complicated, too plastic, I made my own composting loo, it's a piece of nice looking furniture and very comfortable to use. I did do an article about it somewhere on here.:hammer:
Ee By Gum

Till I left home to join the RN we spent most of our holidays in a literals falling down cottage with an outside tap fed from the field drains. Solid stuff went into a rather revolting old Elsan bucket which was weekly emptied into a hole dug in a rarely used field. You peed against the dyke and grey water went back into the field drains. When it rained you had a shower or swam in the river.

Them were the days !

But seriously I think we are too fussy particularly with Grey water..Care is needed yes and discretion.

Black waste obviously more care and a shovel !

Yellow waste (urine...Is that a new term ?) use a hospital type receptacle (with lid) and again dispose of carefully
Cheep is not always good... compost toilet - craping in a crap model

The Simploo is pitched as tho it's the answer to all your problems. I would suggest it is only the beginning. The unit is made of material which looks and feels cheep. It is badly fitted together. Gapping gaps due to a poor design and the individual parts being of different material, resulting in the components not fitting together well. The waste section is small and fully visible. There is also a hole in the bottom, which allowed urine to overflow leaking on to and ruining my wooden floor. For a long time I have not bought something that feels so nasty! Wishing I had spent a little more in the first place and bought a Separett.
Sadly I purchased a Simploo. It is pitched as tho it is the answer to all your problems. I would suggest it is only the beginning. The unit is made of material which looks and feels cheep. It is badly fitted together. Gapping gaps due to a poor design and the individual parts being of different material and the components not fitting together well. And the waste section is small and fully visible. There is also a hole in the bottom, which allowed urine overflow to leak on to my wooden floor. For a long time I have not bought something that feels so nasty! Wishing I had spent a little more in the first place and bought a Separett.

You can say that again!!:lol-049::lol-049:

Double post!
TBH I like the idea of composting loos...
It’s not a new idea, & would have thought it would be MUCH more advanced as a standerd fit or option on Live in vehicles & such like.

How do people currently dump the Poo Compost !.

It’s bad enough with the stigma attached to the Cassette Dump debate at present!,,Although I suppose you could plant a Bush at every Dump point used to make it more environmentally acseptable in the eyes of some.

I am surprised that some sort of ‘Kit’ hasn’t been developed to replace the Cassette in the most popular Thetfords & alike to convert them !.
TBH I like the idea of composting loos...
It’s not a new idea, & would have thought it would be MUCH more advanced as a standerd fit or option on Live in vehicles & such like.

How do people currently dump the Poo Compost !.

It’s bad enough with the stigma attached to the Cassette Dump debate at present!,,Although I suppose you could plant a Bush at every Dump point used to make it more environmentally acseptable in the eyes of some

I am surprised that some sort of ‘Kit’ hasn’t been developed to replace the Cassette in the most popular Thetfords & alike to convert them !.

My feeling exactly. Keep eyeing up our cassette and thinking how we can adapt it. Previously had a sunkamp loo which we used, solids into a bag lined with cat litter or sawdust or even just loo paper. Emptied after each void, put in a double bag ( got some of those scented bags) and disposed of it in dog poo bins. Or sometimes in the sanitary bin in ladies loos...not recommended for a single man however :lol-053:

TBH cannot exactly see how the Simploo waste can be classed as "compost" when fresh and without added carbon composting material
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Well,,,Having a quick think about it, I suppose a ‘Possible’ easy ish approach would be to create a Partition to separate Solid & Liquid, No change in path for Solids, just have to figure out how to then compost in Cassette !. (Lol lol You could even add the Compost medium & ‘Stir’ through the hole lol lol).
Drill a hole fit Tank or Skin fitting with suitable pipe to Trap then on to Grey water tank or whatever!,,

Kind like this -


Hmmm,,,I think I will keep my cassette set up
Well,,,Having a quick think about it, I suppose a ‘Possible’ easy ish approach would be to create a Partition to separate Solid & Liquid, No change in path for Solids, just have to figure out how to then compost in Cassette !. (Lol lol You could even add the Compost medium & ‘Stir’ through the hole lol lol).
Drill a hole fit Tank or Skin fitting with suitable pipe to Trap then on to Grey water tank or whatever!,,

Kind like this -

View attachment 61432

Hmmm,,,I think I will keep my cassette set up

I can see that working for us chaps.....but what about the ladies???
Practice & Maybe we could design a Pink version!. Lol lol lol.
Maybe a Female could comment on the viability of the Innitial design!
Jobby Wheecha

Get one of the above think this will fix your toileting problems .
Well,,,Having a quick think about it, I suppose a ‘Possible’ easy ish approach would be to create a Partition to separate Solid & Liquid, No change in path for Solids, just have to figure out how to then compost in Cassette !. (Lol lol You could even add the Compost medium & ‘Stir’ through the hole lol lol).
Drill a hole fit Tank or Skin fitting with suitable pipe to Trap then on to Grey water tank or whatever!,,

Kind like this -

View attachment 61432

Hmmm,,,I think I will keep my cassette set up

You do realise you can buy those ready made ..
Compost toilet separator

Composting Toilet, Urine Diverters and Composting Toilet Components

As for the "ladies" side of things....
Practice and aim is all apparently ;-)
Hi ya,
How does that fit in a Thetford Toilet Bowl then !,

(Which is kinda what we are on about as a retro fit option!)
Hi ya,
How does that fit in a Thetford Toilet Bowl then !,

(Which is kinda what we are on about as a retro fit option!)

It doesn't..... Out of the box....
But surely IF you are going to the pfaff of hacking a Thetford cassette about to make it into some sort of hybrid then it might save you some work???
It doesn't..... Out of the box....
But surely IF you are going to the pfaff of hacking a Thetford cassette about to make it into some sort of hybrid then it might save you some work???

Yep,,I see what your saying now.
I really don’t know if it’s worth all the trouble,,,! But still a great idea for those that persevere me thinks
just had a thought ( rare for me nowadays) why not just put a compost bucket under the hole in the thetford, and use a separator for urine ( We Pee | ?) Dispense with the cassette. Sawdust can be put through the "hole" and trap shut after. Would have to ensure bucket was secure in the locker but the setup is already there. Ventilation ...hmmm, maybe an outside vent through the locker door?
My diy skills are zilch...but I do have ideas:rolleyes::rolleyes::raofl:
just had a thought ( rare for me nowadays) why not just put a compost bucket under the hole in the thetford, and use a separator for urine ( We Pee | ?) Dispense with the cassette. Sawdust can be put through the "hole" and trap shut after. Would have to ensure bucket was secure in the locker but the setup is already there. Ventilation ...hmmm, maybe an outside vent through the locker door?
My diy skills are zilch...but I do have ideas:rolleyes::rolleyes::raofl:

To be fair that's pretty much what a lot of home built compost loos are....
Some folks get properly involved in actually processing their waste into humanure...
I'd be satisfied with something I can dispose of in a environmentally sensitive way without having to find sluice points/manholes etc.

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