Simploo composting toilet


Full Member
I'm thinking about one these for a camper. Is anyone using one and, if so, how do they perform? (I just know I'm asking for trouble phrasing it that way but let's have a bit of fun.)

Any other relevant thoughts on waterless loos that allow easy disposal of the waste would be interesting.

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Re-inventing the wheel, or bog!
Why bother, the systems currently in place are the result of years of evolution and work well.
Also what space would you need, it is limited!
Meet a couple at the overland show who used one. Spoke very highly of it. Empty once a month, thats living in van too.
ok lets get to the nitty gritty here.... what type of textured substance does your poo become after "resting" in the loo for the required amount of time ... and how do you get it out of the toilet tank and where do you put it then ?? Even if it is compost by that stage then passers seeing someone empty it will still think its poo....

Re urine - sending pee into grey tanks would cause a problem surely - as you then will have a large grey tank full of festering urine to dispose of (instead of the normal toilet cassette which you can carry)
That's the difference 3 days via a month therefore 10 times longer!
What did they use on/ in it? Shavings? Sawdust?

Some kind of coconut fibre, or coconut something. Months worth of coconut fibre didn't take up much room, think it's sold in compressed bricks.
Well it appears I have been doing it right all these years without having to purchase a rather expensive toilet i just sh!t in a biodegradable bag and I pee in a cassette toilet dry waste separated from wet waste job done.
Well it appears I have been doing it right all these years without having to purchase a rather expensive toilet i just sh!t in a biodegradable bag and I pee in a cassette toilet dry waste separated from wet waste job done.

Sh!timg in a bag !
If I had to resort to that I wouldn't bother. It's like going back to the dark ages for gods sake.
Just laughing to myself as to what my late wife would have had to say if I had suggested it to her, the second word would have been off lol !
Don't know that I would fancy a composting loo , but, to be fair, it's not something I've looked at. I did notice that the extras are way cheaper than Thetfords.
All you need is a connection to the grey tank and you will not get caught emptying a pee filled cassette.
The stories that get told of folk just pour the waste out with a care.
If yours is just pee, no paper, no problem!
It's just that onlookers do not know!

I am extremely discreet when tying my pee only cassette.
once or twice when caught out ive used a tesco bag in a builders bucket for no2. then buried the bag. whats wrong with just putting a bag of human waste in a dog poo bin?

but out in the wilds a folding shovel suffices.
Sh!timg in a bag !
If I had to resort to that I wouldn't bother. It's like going back to the dark ages for gods sake.
Just laughing to myself as to what my late wife would have had to say if I had suggested it to her, the second word would have been off lol !

I know a lot of folk who live in vans and boats and do exactly the same as Annie. Can't see the problem - people seem quite happy to pick up dog poo with a bag, so what's the difference.
Right here goes (as it were!)...
We have a toilet box, can't remember the make. It is basically a bucket with a toilet seat, for comfort.
We put a plastic bag in it, about the same size as a supermarket bag, then we line the sides and back with toilet paper, running downwards from top to bottom and put a bit in the bottom- this keeps the polythene bag our stuff...take out and tie the top and when going past a loo or handy burying place empty it out carefully and the plastic bag stays clean and can go into a regular bin.
We found that if we keep the tied 'parcels' in a seperate sealed container then the loo never smells horrid.
All pee goes into a small bucket with lid and emptied onto rural grass....
can't believe I'm saying all this.
I sometimes wonder what our non-wilding friends would say....
Sadly I purchased a Simploo. It is pitched as tho it is the answer to all your problems. I would suggest it is only the beginning. The unit is made of material which looks and feels cheep. It is badly fitted together. Gapping gaps due to a poor design and the individual parts being of different material and the components not fitting together well. And the waste section is small and fully visible. There is also a hole in the bottom, which allowed urine overflow to leak on to my wooden floor. For a long time I have not bought something that feels so nasty! Wishing I had spent a little more in the first place and bought a Separett.
Not quite as Campervan person

1 No toilet paper or wetwipes in the cassette.
2 If cassette only has urine it can be emptied discreetly but properly in many places

Thus problem reduced but not entirely solved.

If in the wilds find a compliant horse/sheep/cow/goat and pooh where they do.
Well not exactly Annie's Shovel needed as well.

Easier for males to pee in many places to reduce the cassette load
I have questioned Simploo and received satisfactory answers.
re installation........pipe liquid to grey water........air outlet to outside
I am going to try Zeolite as an odour control, if that isn't satisfactory then I will connect up the low watt electric fan
There is a compost bag for the 20kg max of solid waste.
As I like fiddling with things I don't see poor build quality gaps etc as a problem but a challenge.
It's a third of the price of others so you get what you get.
I don't ever want to go on a camp site and mix with those sort of people, and am willing to do the alternative, what ever that is.
Just had a look at their website which I would rate as poor. You are expected to know everything about this system because there is no information either on how they work or how to install them or how to use them. If the owner wants to sell many he needs to up his game on promoting his product. On the basis of the website I would not be encouraged to buy.
I looked at the simploo considered it for our next conversion....
However I discounted it in favour of the Kildwick ones....
Definitely the system I will be going for when conversion time comes...
The guys at Kildwick are second to none when it comes to support
I first camped with my parents in 1947 when I was 7 and my brother was 11. We went on sites for 2 weeks without any facilities except a water tap. The first thing my brother did was to dig 3 holes, toilet, grey water and a dry waste pit. We covered the solid matter with some earth and that was that. No smells or flies and at the end of the holiday to pits were refilled and the sods replaced. Easy!

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