Silent generator

Honda 10 kipor 1

Well not to many favour Kipor by the looks of it Honda 10 - Kipor 1
Iv'e just taken delivery of the new SDMO, 2000 Generator, yesterday.
As Iv'e recently sold a new Hyunda 1000.
And currently have a 2000 KIPPOR,
Plus two 1000, HONDA EU10i 's

Up to now the Honda's were the quiet'est.
The Hyunda was the best build quality.
The Kippor iv'e had for a few years, just had a service and new fuel pump.
Hardly used it , only about ten gallons of fuel, but its given good service.
No complaints, reasonable build quality.

Now comes the new SDMO
Good looking, fairly light, good build quality.
And Very QUIET!!!!

I would say its quieter that the 1000 HONDA EU10i.
Also it runs at lower revs being twice as powerful.
I prefer it to the Honda 2000 I was considering?
Its a clone of the new Yamaha 2000,
With their new 70cc engine.
Built in optical fuel guage.
Fuel switch, so the engine can be run dry for storing, traveling etc.
Great decompressor for an easy start, first time.
ECO running etc, the list goes on.

Definatley the best one yet, and saved a few hundred off ebay.
Plus I can run the micro wave etc.

If pennies arn't a problem, its definatley the best model, or the Yamaha.
Rgd's Graham.
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Just looked at those fuel cells , that's dear elec £3500 for the unit. £50 for 10 ltrs of fuel in there bottles which produces approx. 925amp hr at 12v . The fuel is methanol that you can get in 20ltr drums for £1ltr. I think I will be giving that miss.
I bought a kipor Chinese rip off of the Honda and have to say it's very good, as for volume if I put it at the back of my van you can just about hear it humming away tso I made it a jacket out of sound proof material works well but best of all if I put it on full length of the hookup not a sound ,but since I put in two 220 amp batteries haven't used the genny at all !
Plus I invested in a wind turbine and a couple of solar panels .
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When we had a motorhome, we had a Clarke non-silent generator. It cost around the £100 mark, was almost as quiet as any other I heard, and certainly acceptably quiet for anywhere we went. It never once let us down. We were always very sensitive to others with it, and made a point of asking them to come and ask us to turn it off if they found it intrusive. People either said nothing (possibly just being polite) or said they didn't hear it which I honestly believe to be the case. A long hook up lead will put it well away from most.

Having said that, we had a good bank of leisure batteries (only two!) and it was only on very rare occasions we used the generator at all. Having heard a few pluses of solar panels, try taking them with you when you change van, or running things right through a cold, dark, winter's late afternoon to night. There are definite advantages to generators, though I do, of course, accept all the arguments against.
With my old Honda EX650 I used to put it on then walk around to make sure nobody could hear it, funnily enough we didn't notice it when it was running but when you stopped it the silence was eerie so it was obviously making a noise, I couldn't hear it because I am married View attachment 21126
Showing my ignorance but do you just connect the generator to your van as you would when on ecu ?

If so i would assume it would charge your batteries and allow you to run microwaves etc within reason obviously depending on the output of the generator.

After reading this thread i may go for a generator instead of solar panels.
Yep, that's pretty much it. You have to be careful what sort of gennie to go for to power things like laptops, but I just had a normal one and it never did any harm - I may have been very lucky of course over the 6 years or so I was doing it.

There's no doubt in my mind the down side is the noise, but if you can get it a good way off, you don't hear it anyway. We loved to park way off the beaten track if possible anyway, so often there was nobody else around to hear it - bliss! The caravan just isn't the same, but at least we can afford that. lol
If you get a 12v power supply for your laptop it doesn't matter what gennie you have because it will top your batteries up more than you are discharging, I haven't used my gennie for a few years but when I leave home with no plans I might need it so it goes with me, I have offered to let people near me plug into it as well if I have to use it, before I had solar panels quite a few years ago at Leucate Plage (when you just parked on the car park) I had three Italians plus me plugged in and it gave us all a boost
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R&D costs money - ripping off others designs is a good way of cutting costs and offering a cheap product, while the company doing the R&D will have to pass those costs on to their customers.

I don't think that they should be allowed to market these devices as "silent" as even the quietest is anything but. Having spent a small fortune on a "silent" generator many purchasers then proceed to use them seemingly unaware or uncaring of the annoyance they cause to others due to their noise.
A modern van can cope for a long time using it batteries alone, and money spent on a generator may be better spent on cutting consumption by fitting efficient lighting for example.
The only good reason that I can see for having a generator is to provide high power for a short period for items such as a microwave or hair dryer. In such use the annoyance to those in earshot would at least be short lived.
Much the same

Hi vidiboy,

I still travel with mine but have only used about three times in five years a lot of people get the hump about them before they even hear them start.The last place I used mine was at the Goodwood Festival of of speed were a lot of people were using them including two young girls that were working there that had a caravan with an awning and a very old two stroke one that they fired up every morning after they had wash and brush up for working on the stands and filled their awning and the surrounding area with blue smoke so they could heat up the heat rollers for their hair, I think the two stroke smell killed any perfume they had on but everybody was friendly and had a good laugh about it,and it was no louder that the helicopters and light aircraft landing every few seconds and the race track over the hedge.A great event to go to but a bit pricey with a great crowd of people from all walks of life but all with the same love of racing cars and speed.


No such thing as a silent generater,unless you bury them in straw bales,I have a so called silent Honda 10 i and it is noisey and for this reason I have only used it a few times in all the time I have had it.You have to carry a can of petrol which is smelly as is a generater filled with petrol and also this is smelly in use. I just keep my genny in my garage in case we have a power cut at home so I can power lights. Much better to go the Solar Panel route I think.

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