Today it seems I got a promotion 

When I joined this bunch last year I became a juniormember
. And I was so happy about that; it was a long time ago I was called 'junior'
Then I growed over 30 or somewhat and Admin gave me: 'member'. Still I could live with that. 30 is young
. But today suddenly I am a 'senior' again !!
Thank you Admin for rubbing it in

It is some comfort I'm now in the club of 'oldies' like ***** and Don and Sundown and.. and...
But you will not get rid of me for a while (I hope)
'Old wilders don't die, they just drive away'
When I joined this bunch last year I became a juniormember
Thank you Admin for rubbing it in
It is some comfort I'm now in the club of 'oldies' like ***** and Don and Sundown and.. and...
But you will not get rid of me for a while (I hope)
'Old wilders don't die, they just drive away'