Sad death of mobile phone


My HTC Touch Pro has just died...anyone got experience of a Galaxy SII or a Desire HD?
I did as lot of research and bought a Galaxy SII. I don't think that there is any doubt that, at present, it's the very best. It's incredibly thin, which makes slipping it into a jacket pocket much more feasible. A phone's overall size isn't that important, what is important is how thick it is as one that's half an inch thick for instance is not good for slipping into an inside jacket pocket.

The screen is brilliant and makes my daughter's iPhone look very poor. The phone itself performs superbly but, to get the best from any Android phone you need to get into Gmail and its facilities, which are simply superb. I now use Gmail for all my contacts, my diary, my documents and photos' storage (in the cloud as well as on my phone). Gmail allows you to send mail but send it as though it's from your other email address, so you can keep any existing address that everyone knows.

Android is excellent and I've some superb apps, even a brilliant sat-nav (Co-Pilot) which is better than any sat-nav I've ever owned, and which can be used off-line to avoid data bills when abroad, unlike Google's version which can eat data.

One super feature is being able to tether my laptop. The phone creates a wi-fi zone and you just log on to that zone just as you would with any other. I can then do things which are done more easily with a proper keyboard and large screen.

A brilliant phone, a superb system and a massive range of applications, many free and others costing very little.
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Maybe I should start thinking about changing my mark one Nokia phone, it is 4"x1.5" and 3/4" thick, but it seems to fit in all my pockets easily, it makes and receives calls and texts Europe wide and costs £15 a month with 300 free mins calls,and 300 free texts month, more than enough for my needs, I think it can get on the net but I don't bother with that.I saw in a phone shop only today that I can get a phone with all I can eat, I usually use a Restaurant for that, so I don't think I will bother, All tongue in cheek of course, I wonder what people did before they played with phones .
Maybe I should start thinking about changing my mark one Nokia phone, it is 4"x1.5" and 3/4" thick, but it seems to fit in all my pockets easily, it makes and receives calls and texts Europe wide and costs £15 a month with 300 free mins calls,and 300 free texts month, more than enough for my needs, I think it can get on the net but I don't bother with that.I saw in a phone shop only today that I can get a phone with all I can eat, I usually use a Restaurant for that, so I don't think I will bother, All tongue in cheek of course, I wonder what people did before they played with phones .

I don't play with my phone, I use it! It's an incredibly useful business tool and I have the computing power of the average PC in my hand. Personally, I don't want a thick phone ruining the lines of my bespoke suits! My package is the same as yours but includes the ability to access the Internet as much as I need every month, all for a fiver more than you!

I wonder what people did before they could post tongue in cheek comments on Internet forums? :p
Android is excellent and I've some superb apps, even a brilliant sat-nav (Co-Pilot) which is better than any sat-nav I've ever owned, and which can be used off-line to avoid data bills when abroad, unlike Google's version which can eat data.
Which Co-Pilot version is that? Most of the ones I can find cost very nearly as much as a dedicated Sat-Nav unit.
Which Co-Pilot version is that? Most of the ones I can find cost very nearly as much as a dedicated Sat-Nav unit.

Co-Pilot Live Premium Europe is actually less now than when I spent £38 on it. It's on Android Market at this minute for £33.32. If you're happy with just U.K. and Ireland it's only £20.82 so I'm not sure where you can buy a sat-nav for these kind of prices!

On my Galaxy S2 with its very large screen it is superior to any sat-nav that I've owned up to press and covers minor roads in most European countries, and even covers main roads in places such as Albania. It operates exactly like a normal sat-nav, in that the maps are on the device, so it doesn't need data to calculate or recalculate position and routes unlike Google which uses data if it needs to recalculate or you go off route.
Sat navs start at £49.99 at Halfords, though I prefer my Garmin which is a bit more.
I was considering something different for my HTC Desire but if they are that much then I'll carry on using the existing app for emergency use. It's not often I find myself walking in a strange city and need a map.
Sat navs start at £49.99 at Halfords, though I prefer my Garmin which is a bit more.
I was considering something different for my HTC Desire but if they are that much then I'll carry on using the existing app for emergency use. It's not often I find myself walking in a strange city and need a map.

Yes, of course they do! With a tiny little screen and only UK and Ireland! The cheapest satnav in Halfords with western Europe on is a hundred quid!

Look at this list of countries on Co-Pilot's Europe: CoPilot Live Map Coverage

Let's at least compare like with like!
Thanks for advice...I use(d) CoPilot 8 on my Windows mobile and found it, by and large excellent. Looks like a move to Android seems innevitable though...
Thanks for advice...I use(d) CoPilot 8 on my Windows mobile and found it, by and large excellent. Looks like a move to Android seems innevitable though...

i have copilot 8 on my iphone

i have copilot 8 on my iphone

Can't use an IPhone...
1. Stupidly expensive
2. Non replaceable battery
3. Eldest son is a senior technical manager with Microsoft and has just been issued with a new company phone and would never speak to me again....strangely though, his phone runs Android
hey vindiboy, you sound just like me:rolleyes2: my Nokia just the same, on £15 contract for 600 mins and unlimited text, although I hate texting and hardly ever phone.
But it works everywhere if and when I need it.
It would be nice to have an all singing all dancing phone for only one thing. Internet browsing but at £40 per month, thats £480 per year against £180 and you usually have to pay extra for the phone.:sad:
I think i will stick with my trusted old Nokia and get free wi fi with the booster.
And before anybody says there are alternative contracts, maybe cheaper,I do know but these just sprung to mind.
I hate phones!
But I may in the future consider Vod data traveller for my increasing European tours and this would mean a new phone yuk yuk evil necessity!

If you really would like a new smartphone you'll find that prices have come down. You can now get a Samsung Galaxy SII, which is the dog's whatsits as far as smartphones go, for just over £25 a month which includes lots of talk time, texts, data downloads and web access. Internet browsing is first class and of course you can still take advantage of free wi-fi wherever you can find it, and locations are growing.

I bought mine from this firm and they were very good. Edited to say, there is no up front payment. The phone is free on a two-year contract.
The HTC Desire S came out equal with the iPhone 4 as the best Smartphone recently.

Given the Desire HD is better again I would imagine it is extremely good. At the end of the day, it depends a lot what exactly you want to use it for.
Didn't Watchdog give HTC a goog slagging off?

Possibly - I watch the programme every week, but missed this one. I do know everyone I know with an HTC is really pleased with them. I also know a lot with iPhones (especially the latest one) that aren't.

At the end of the day, it is like a computer - what phone you should buy depends heavily on what it is going to be used for. If you just want phone calls, why pay for things you don't need?

I keep a few older phones for the regular times I'm out for quite a long time without charging facilities as their batteries last for ever and I just change the sim card over. Fine for then. At home when phone is used for work as well, I need more functionality, but progress in phones has definitely been at a massive cost in terms of size and battery life.
Im really not into gadgets or having the latest phones to look good which is why most people have an iPhone. Lets face it they are the posers choice. Designer telephones indeed! However. I do have an iPhone but only because I was given it for free and until this year I thought it was the most over rated thing ever. Then I discovered Vodafone Data Traveller and as I was abroad for five months in the van it was a godsend. I just want a phone to work and as yet nobody has ever showed me an "app" that is actually useful or something I really need but being able to access the Internet every day for £10 a month in every country and always getting a signal (it can use any provider) changed our trip completely. So smart phones even for people who like their stuff simple may now have a place in the motorhome.

You can probably buy a second hand smart phone for £50 on ebay or just do what I did and wait for one of your rich gadget loving friends to get the latest model and persuade them to give you their cast off iPhone 3 for nothing.
If you really would like a new smartphone you'll find that prices have come down. You can now get a Samsung Galaxy SII, which is the dog's whatsits as far as smartphones go, for just over £25 a month which includes lots of talk time, texts, data downloads and web access. Internet browsing is first class and of course you can still take advantage of free wi-fi wherever you can find it, and locations are growing.

I bought mine from this firm and they were very good. Samsung Galaxy S II on T-Mobile £25 (24mths) inc. Internet at Edited to say, there is no up front payment. The phone is free on a two-year contract.

Be a bit careful re certain Samsung phones and Although I think they're one of the better retailers, I'm currently proceeding through the pre-action protocol for suing both them and Samsung. I think the Samsung Galaxy is OK but it looks as though some batches of certain Samsung smartphone models have defective components and, in my case at least, Samsung are not honouring the 2 year warranty and the retailer has proven unhelpful to say the least.
Be a bit careful re certain Samsung phones and Although I think they're one of the better retailers, I'm currently proceeding through the pre-action protocol for suing both them and Samsung. I think the Samsung Galaxy is OK but it looks as though some batches of certain Samsung smartphone models have defective components and, in my case at least, Samsung are not honouring the 2 year warranty and the retailer has proven unhelpful to say the least.

I'm a member of a very popular Android forum and I've heard nothing about this. There was a problem initially regarding overheating in certain very unusual circumstances but the latest software version has solved that. What is your problem as a matter of interest?
I'm a member of a very popular Android forum and I've heard nothing about this. There was a problem initially regarding overheating in certain very unusual circumstances but the latest software version has solved that. What is your problem as a matter of interest?

From what I can glean, there seems to be a fairly common problem with certain models including both versions of the Samsung Wave relating to the micro-USB port. The phones have a habit of erratically switching into USB mode when not connected to anything and users joke they appear to be charging wirelessly from the sky. When this happens, the battery is rapidly depleted, some functions become unavailable, the phone becomes unreliable/unusable and also has a habit of switching off (then sometimes won't restart until plugged into a mains charger) or completely locks and the software needs reinstalling at a service centre.

It's been reported on Samsung's own user forum, the BADA forums and shown on YouTube videos.

Over the last five months, I've had to take mine into repair centres which have been unable to repair hardware issues so they've forwarded it to Samsung who have simply returned it to them unrepaired 28 days later. are good in that they answer the phone and respond to emails but, as retailer, they should be taking some responsibility and/or liaising with Samsung to expedite a warranty repair/replacement. No assistance has been forthcoming and as Samsung have been negligent in failing to repair the phone, which is back in their possession once again, I've been left with no alternative other than to sue both as joint defendents.

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