My HTC Touch Pro has just died...anyone got experience of a Galaxy SII or a Desire HD?
Maybe I should start thinking about changing my mark one Nokia phone, it is 4"x1.5" and 3/4" thick, but it seems to fit in all my pockets easily, it makes and receives calls and texts Europe wide and costs £15 a month with 300 free mins calls,and 300 free texts month, more than enough for my needs, I think it can get on the net but I don't bother with that.I saw in a phone shop only today that I can get a phone with all I can eat, I usually use a Restaurant for that, so I don't think I will bother, All tongue in cheek of course, I wonder what people did before they played with phones .
Which Co-Pilot version is that? Most of the ones I can find cost very nearly as much as a dedicated Sat-Nav unit.Android is excellent and I've some superb apps, even a brilliant sat-nav (Co-Pilot) which is better than any sat-nav I've ever owned, and which can be used off-line to avoid data bills when abroad, unlike Google's version which can eat data.
Which Co-Pilot version is that? Most of the ones I can find cost very nearly as much as a dedicated Sat-Nav unit.
Sat navs start at £49.99 at Halfords, though I prefer my Garmin which is a bit more.
I was considering something different for my HTC Desire but if they are that much then I'll carry on using the existing app for emergency use. It's not often I find myself walking in a strange city and need a map.
Thanks for advice...I use(d) CoPilot 8 on my Windows mobile and found it, by and large excellent. Looks like a move to Android seems innevitable though...
Can't use an IPhone...i have copilot 8 on my iphone
hey vindiboy, you sound just like me:rolleyes2: my Nokia just the same, on £15 contract for 600 mins and unlimited text, although I hate texting and hardly ever phone.
But it works everywhere if and when I need it.
It would be nice to have an all singing all dancing phone for only one thing. Internet browsing but at £40 per month, thats £480 per year against £180 and you usually have to pay extra for the phone.:sad:
I think i will stick with my trusted old Nokia and get free wi fi with the booster.
And before anybody says there are alternative contracts, maybe cheaper,I do know but these just sprung to mind.
I hate phones!
But I may in the future consider Vod data traveller for my increasing European tours and this would mean a new phone yuk yuk evil necessity!
Didn't Watchdog give HTC a goog slagging off?
If you really would like a new smartphone you'll find that prices have come down. You can now get a Samsung Galaxy SII, which is the dog's whatsits as far as smartphones go, for just over £25 a month which includes lots of talk time, texts, data downloads and web access. Internet browsing is first class and of course you can still take advantage of free wi-fi wherever you can find it, and locations are growing.
I bought mine from this firm and they were very good. Samsung Galaxy S II on T-Mobile £25 (24mths) inc. Internet at Edited to say, there is no up front payment. The phone is free on a two-year contract.
Be a bit careful re certain Samsung phones and Although I think they're one of the better retailers, I'm currently proceeding through the pre-action protocol for suing both them and Samsung. I think the Samsung Galaxy is OK but it looks as though some batches of certain Samsung smartphone models have defective components and, in my case at least, Samsung are not honouring the 2 year warranty and the retailer has proven unhelpful to say the least.
I'm a member of a very popular Android forum and I've heard nothing about this. There was a problem initially regarding overheating in certain very unusual circumstances but the latest software version has solved that. What is your problem as a matter of interest?