
knoxy said:
Fellow wild campers this site I think was designed to inform of camp sites that might intrest other campers. Why have we gone down the road of personal Insults and accusations of a serious nature. I don't find the slightest bit ammusing insinuating that another member lurks in trees as a pervert. I used to enjoy coming onto this site reading the posts and having a laugh, but now all the fun seems to have been taken away by certain individuals who constantly wind people up and make wholly inappropriate comments about people they don't know. I for one will be visiting the site now only to read about camping spots and the like, but will no longer take part in the forums other than to post relevant sites.:(
knoxy mate..............please dont go....:(
Thanks guys have decided to continue posting after reading you posts and another two unrelated post which I have replied to there is a crackedpot on here who I think has cracked totally.:D
knoxy said:
Thanks guys have decided to continue posting after reading you posts and another two unrelated post which I have replied to there is a crackedpot on here who I think has cracked totally.:D
glad to hear you are staying.......we would have missed you too much otherwise.......samm x
sammclouis said:
glad to hear you are staying.......we would have missed you too much otherwise.......samm x

Thanks again sam had a little rant earlier think you've read it hey ho it's good to let off steam. At least admin closed the thread before it rolled on.

three cheers..knoxy is staying

knoxy said:
Thanks again sam had a little rant earlier think you've read it hey ho it's good to let off steam. At least admin closed the thread before it rolled on.

i just cant believe there are people like that about...i cant believe he made comments on being a sun reader & a council house dweller.....unbelievable...but it shows what sort of a person he is eh!!!anyway lets not dwell on it,glad you are stopping...mate x
Thanks guys have decided to continue posting after reading you posts and another two unrelated post which I have replied to there is a crackedpot on here who I think has cracked totally.:D
Glad that you have decided to continue knoxy good choice mate, i recon there are some that have been on the crack and the pot. And if he or anyone like him turn up on here i am gonna toataly ignore them its best not to give them food for thought starve them and they will die off.
Trevor said:
Oh yes indeed Sam but belive me when i say if i was gonna have a pop everyone would know about it i do not beat about the bush i go striaght for the jugular then pop there eyes out of the sockets and leave them for dead :rolleyes:

Cor, what a scarey person.
knoxy said:
Thanks guys have decided to continue posting after reading you posts and another two unrelated post which I have replied to there is a crackedpot on here who I think has cracked totally.:D
goodman knoxy, u awrite mate
rupert said:
Sad very sad!!
No I am not Gay but so what???
You very poor pathetic sad dirty minded foul person.:eek:

Actually I'm not poor, but I'm not rich either, and I don't give my location as, in the woods, neither do I offer to give ' adult hugs' to men I don't know on web sites.

If you're ashamed of what you are , don't blame me.

ovid said:
So you like to hug strange men and spend your time hanging about in the woods.

Do you like hanging around mens public lavatories as well by any chance ?

Just checking, because the country seems to be full of stinking perverts these days and I do like to know who to avoid.
You seem to be implying that my sexual preferances are like yours.
No unlike you, I do not hang around toilets & I am not a pervert.
I suggest that you treat this website in a proper way & act responsible:eek:
rupert said:
You seem to be implying that my sexual preferances are like yours.
No unlike you, I do not hang around toilets & I am not a pervert.
I suggest that you treat this website in a proper way & act responsible:eek:

Oh, come on rupert bear, don't beat about the bush,

or wood or forest
Trevor said:
Ovid was yet too young and undistinguished to have formed his acquaintance. :rolleyes:

Look, if you want to have a meet up for a camping get together, I suggest you get in touch with Rupert, who describes himself in his profile as a 'naughty little bear' ????

I,m sure you'll get on,,, err, warmly.

You can show him how you flex your muscle, and I have no doubt he will show you he flexes his.
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ovid said:
Look, if you want to have a meet up for a camping get together, I suggest you get in touch with Rupert, who describes himself in his profile as a 'naughty little bear' ????

I,m sure you'll get on,,, err, warmly.

You can show him how you flex your muscle, and I have no doubt he will show you he flexes his..
He was intimate with the family of Augustus, the emperor, and it is supposed that some serious offence given to some member of that family was the cause of an event which reversed the ovids happy circumstances and clouded all the latter portion of his life. At the age of fifty he was banished from home :eek:
Well you've totally lost me now.

I had assumed your prior post was to reinforce your bloodthirsty (alleged) reputation.

Now you are presumably quoting chunks of texts from Google or somewhere.

I think you need to study Ovid in a bit more depth.
ovid said:
Well you've totally lost me now.

I had assumed your prior post was to reinforce your bloodthirsty (alleged) reputation.

Now you are presumably quoting chunks of texts from Google or somewhere.

I think you need to study Ovid in a bit more depth.
Ovid fought his loneliness and longing for his male friends and home
So what are you trying to say Trevor ?????

Now both Rupert and you are after my body ?

Place is full of perverts these days.

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