yes one basic error...assuming somewhere to be safe that was not....
seems a lot of peoplecant read :welcome:
I too am not interested in debate.... but as always, it seems some people just want to be outraged and to read the bits that suit them -I don't mean yourself,twister while others who we can see up there on their high horses seem to need great big RED CAPITAL LETTERS TO NSHOUT AND BE NOTICED.
I AM IRISH you see and I DO want people to come here. And my business for many years has been to encourage them to come to Ireland North and South.
'ting is nowhere have I at any time suggested do not come rather the opposite I want people to come here nd i and have been encouraging people to come for many years.
But advice is tempered with reality and as it has been for many years, aimed mainly at at first timers ..not wily old wild campers who know the ropes( although I have met a few yes a few... experienced campers who have come to grief:bow:.
Just because some folk don't meet with any problems doesn't its all safe plain sailing- I 've known of far too many incidents, stone-smashed windows, attempted break-ins, aheer ownright vandalism and annoyance and the victins of that lonng enough list include many of our own...people who I actually knew or who wrote to me when I scribed a motorhoming leisure newspaper column.
I've deliberately avoidid giving actual identifying locations as a place can be fine one time and niot the next.
Whether anyone likes it or not the crime rate in Ireland North and Sout is presently horrendous and ...violent. That means there IS danger in many areas so-I've outline where i think those areas are likely to be. But the probems, as I have emphasised , are largely in big cities and some big towns and particularly in or near housing estates same as in other countries. And not confined to motorhomers-I've seen boats on rivers and canals under attack by drunken,evny-filled hopped-up vandals.
Yes we have a major drink and drugs and theft problem just like other countries why I emphasiosed this is because Ireland is extremely deceptive it's so nice in some places and the people there so welcoming that in other, not so safe areas, one can so easily be lulled into believing things are all right when they are anything.
Should people pondering whether or not to come here not be made aware of this? Made aware that all in this Garden of Eden is not as Paradaisical asit may sometimes look.
Akd those who wrote to me who thought the only Dublin campsite quite away out on the Naas Rd was too far or didn't want to pay and chanced elsewhere in the Dublin area?
Those tempted by Howth, Balbriggan, Dun Laoghaire, Bray ( all places I advise staying away from) Indeed unless you know of a secure safe place then stay away from Dublin or use the campsite.
You see, some people think that because they have had a trouble free trip . they all is trouble free- some even thionk I'm making all this up I suspect. Well I am not..but then, I spend more three quarters maybe more wilding a good part of thatin Ireland and I AM long in the tooth AND experiences and I DO know my own country, love it and want others to enjoy it...I DO NOT want visitors or anyone to become victims of what's wrong with it just because some lucky vistors shour that it's all roses in paradise..they had a grteat time therefore.....
No I'm not intending deterring anyone or at least I hope not. Much of what I have said is applicable to most other countries for instance I wouldn't wild overnight to the North West of Paris for anything I used to have to to get a bit of sleep a few years ago and THREE times I had attempted break-ins ( unsucessful) AND MORE THAN ONE BANGING ON THE VAN OUT OF SHEER SPITE-JUST AS HAPPENS WHEREVER LOUTS THINK IT IS FUN TO INCONVENIENCE OTHER FOLK. ( sorry caps are an error not insult) t of the time it is fine 100per cent if yuou are very c areful and take no risks, liten to local advice an don't assume that that pretty nice seemingl;y isolated spot wou't be full of roaring boy rcers and skid-pan mercants later on...or mthat a crowd of boozed up young people heading back from a disco down the town will refrain from trying to frighten you or bang bang on the van. Yes i know it happens in many other countries but it is very every frequent in Ireland.
Like I have said several times Ireland is great fantastic secnery fantastic welcomes,and generally likes motorhomers-enjoying it's many many options is just a matter of common sense.
By all means do come.
A quick add while I am here.let me say this... I compl;etely agree the ferry charges are far to high -that's the single biggest deterrent there is to motorhomes coming here-compare prices on the Channel with say DFDS and the (freight) carges all three ferry companies have combined to charge the same prices , and impose the equivalentof freight charges on motorhomers - it's a cartel but neither government will do anything about it. I've campaigned about this for years no effect alas -my own solution has been to keep two small camper vans the size of mpvs to eliminate at least half of my ferry trips .....which also has disceet wild camping advantages too.
Sorry to add so much but let be repeat I WANT folk to come here but come knowing the score...that's the way to enjoy my country in safety. :fun: