Some very good information above, and i'm sure you'll have a great time.
However, things in Ireland are getting very expensive and places to stay are getting harder to find, imo.
Kerry County Council have embarked on a strict anti-traveller policy and the scene has changed dramatically.
Years ago, out around Dingle, there were scores of places to stay. One place, near a lighthouse to the east of the town, was alright, but, bear in mind, that, even the horseboxes for runners at Dingle races have to be guarded at night.
Everything seems to be tightening up. Officially not allowed to sleep at the racetrack ( Ballintaggart), a mate of mine was kipping somewhere nearby, when he heard a noise. There were about thirty travellers from Limerick on the scene, so he gave them thirty euro to " mind the horse". There was no trouble.
A tea-girl said she intended staying down the lane near the lighthouse and old tower, but got frightened and ended up parking on that street in Dingle near the Emlagh Hotel and coastguard station.
Btw, I don't want to be too alarmist; I'm a traveller myself - Tralee is full of us!
That's the problem, really. It's not really an urban occupation, and with the ever diminishing sites and decent places to halt, we're getting crowded into unsuitable spots, imo.
For safety, families tend to stick together, so when one moves, all move. Then KCC get reports of a "huge convoy on the road" and the hastle begins.
Personally, I like to be on my own and thus i try to befriend some farmers who let me pull into their yards ( out of sight, if possible).
There now, if that hasn't put you off, nothing will!

Don't be too worried! I often came across young folk camping ( in tents) right on the coastal walk near the beach. They reckoned they had a great sleep, no bother at all!
The towns are where all the noise is.
sean rua.
it always rains!