No, I took it to a garage and they found the fault and put in a stronger better more flexible wire. They took the door panel off and found that there there was not sufficient power to operate the lock. Wasn’t expensive £80 I think. I could hear the mechanism trying to work but didn’t have enough power. Rather like a low battery trying start a car but just not enough omphThanks for that. Did you manage to fix it yourself?
I can hear the mechanism moving though so maybe something mechanical has come adrift rather than electrical?
Rather like a low battery trying start a car but just not enough omph
I thought that at first but the battery was fine and everything else worked fine. The doors are powered from the engine battery so camper started fine and no other issues.Alshymer from what iandsm says, it could be a low battery causing your problem.
Couple of questions
a) What is you leisure battery voltage ?
b) Do the cab doors lock / unlock usng the remote ?
Try connecting to EHU with charger on; waiting 30 minutes and then trying the hab door.
Let us know the answers to a&b and what happens on EHU, the more we know the better.