Problems on the site we are staying


Full Member
We booked into Parkfoot campsite in Pooley bridge, the weather has been fabulous, there are about 60 of us here from Bispham but we are dotted all over the site, thankfully we are in a quite spot on the lower shop paddock thank goodness.

But some of our party were kept awake most of the night by a gang who are staying in 3 touring caravans, our friend tried to calm the situation down at 2.00am pleading with them to quiet down as she had 3 young kids in the tent, but she faced a barrage of abuse been called a slag and a c**t, security were called but they left as they told them if they didn't f*CK off they would batter them so they told them they have to be off camp tomorrow and left.

I have been told they are young travellers, can't substantiate this as I haven't seen them, the staff from the site came down this morning telling them to be off-site by noon, they said were not going and said we have been drinking so can't drive, they have been told that in that case they have until 6.00pm to leave, well they have all walked down to the lake, what's the betting they have been drinking alcohol again with it been such a hot day, what's the bets that they don't leave at 6.00pm, the site have told them they will ring the police if they haven't gone by then, can't see the police doing anything especially if they have been drinking, not going to insist they hook there caravans up and drive. I hope they are gone as we have tow lots of friends staying next to them. Life on a campsite. Lol
Soooo irritating when you’ve paid for a pitch. Hope all the kids in your group were encouraged to get up at 6 am and play ball outside theirs!
So sorry to read about your situation.
it doesn’t surprise me in the least as I mentioned when you first said where you were going. Many years ago I was at Hillcroft Park a mile away from Parkfoot and remember the police attending at 2.00am to sort out the near riot that was in progress.
Police are here now at the bottom gate but they won't come on site, 4 security guards there but they are not getting anywhere with them, they are staying put, fortunately our friends have been moved further away from them now so hopefully they won't get disturbed tonight.
Police are here now at the bottom gate but they won't come on site, 4 security guards there but they are not getting anywhere with them, they are staying put, fortunately our friends have been moved further away from them now so hopefully they won't get disturbed tonight.
Hopefully the situation will improve. Sadly mob rule is happening more and more without an adequate police force, they wouldn't like to upset anyone as they have no back up
Hopefully the situation will improve. Sadly mob rule is happening more and more without an adequate police force, they wouldn't like to upset anyone as they have no back up
No but if you're parked up somewhere quiet and not causing a nuisance the police are happy to come along and move you and in some cases threaton with fines.. but they won't go onto a site to deal with the actual idiots.. amazing!! Obviously prefer the easy pickings of peaceful van folk.
No but if you're parked up somewhere quiet and not causing a nuisance the police are happy to come along and move you and in some cases threaton with fines.. but they won't go onto a site to deal with the actual idiots.. amazing!! Obviously prefer the easy pickings of peaceful van folk.
Sadly It's always been a case of the more you respect the law the harder it will come down on you.
No mob rule where i was today in donegal temore beach.
temore beach a.jpg
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You using windows perhaps
No, it is fine now. I was using Android (you know: the OS that runs Linux and Java) and now I look in Windows it's fine. And it's also fine on Android now.
Perhaps it was the unix server that was laggy. But then again, perhaps not. The links in the message I quoted still don't work.
Hopefully the situation will improve. Sadly mob rule is happening more and more without an adequate police force, they wouldn't like to upset anyone as they have no back up
In Manchester one of the top officers said they would not try and disperse a crowd unless someone was seriously injured or killed. I posted it a while ago after the second weekend of death at party’s.
Just seems to me the government want to police by peer pressure, unless of course you sleep in your van overnight somewhere they don’t like. 👍
I used to have my boat moored just across the lake from Park Foot (Well opposite Waterside campsite) and this time of year was always silly season. I cant imagine what its like at the moment. Once the low lifes managed to steal the onsite cash machine even. I think there was £30k in it or some huge amount. I know Waterside site a bit further down take a noise deposit I believe but I guess morons maybe dont care about that and groups on both sites are supposed to not be allowed.

Its ridiculous the coppers not doing anything though. Best thing to do in future is head for some of the less well known sites and lakes. The morons wont know about them and its too much trouble for them to search them out.

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