Mains Microwave through invertor
Modern 240v Microwaves are getting more efficient (most are anyway) so for 700w cooking power they require about 50% more input ampage so a 700w microwave would need 1050w of power in.
1050w thru an invertor would cost about 10% extra to allow for invertor efficiency so thats 1155w so the ampage required would be in the order of 96 amps. Microwaves tend not to run at 100% efficiency on quasi invertors so allowing for this we get 630 cooking watts costing 96 A
So an Invertor fed mains microwave gives roughly 6.56 watts per Amp
Direct 12v microwave
12v microwaves have not advanced as much efficiency wise, a 450 watt Samsung uses 750w, 750w at 12v = 62.5 Amps
So a 12v Microwave gives 7.2 watts per Amp
Overall a 12v microwave is only slightly more efficient.
Other Factors
Price a 240v Microwave can be had for as little as £25, with a brand and good guarantee £40. A 12v version costs up to 10 times more than the average entry level mains version
Size Mains microwaves tend to be 25% bigger capacity
Speed mains will cook quicker (having 630w, against the 450w of the 12v version)
Battery bank size , to maximise the life of your
battery bank no current draw should exceed 10% of the amp hour rating of the
battery bank, so for a 12v the
battery bank "officially" should be greater than 650 ah, for the mains version 1,000 ah is the "reccomended" size.
Another effect of this is that taking say 5 amps per 100 ah
battery bank is the 20 Hour rate which allows 5 amps to be withdrawn for 20 hours before flattening
battery completely at 10A draw the
battery will not last 10 hours as expected. This is just to show that the amp hour draw will cost you more amp hours than the consumption suggests, this would apply to either microwave.
In practice most take the performance "hit" in terms of longivety and actual ah usage.
In the end its all down to what is important to you, cost £, performance (cooking), efficiency (watts per amp used), actual amps used, size of cooking area and ease of replacement out in the cuds (will always be easier to replace a mains microwave)
Ah Comparison figures for a 5 minute warm (not allowing for
battery bank size)
12v 5 mins @ 62.5 amps = 5.21 Ah
240v 3.57 mins @ 96.25 amps = 5.73 Ah (the mains will cook quicker 630w against 450w)
Other points have already been covered, it will never work from a ciggy lighter socket.
PS I have done the above and used it, also sorted this out for other self build campers..
Regards George