
To me,

it looks expensive in comparison to a new car battery carried in a poundland plastic crate.

agreed it is convenient if someone else was paying for it.

Go for it, I have the following and wouldn’t head out without it. Antigravity Batteries - Micro-Start XP10
I use it to charge all my gadgets and it gives me peace of mind if the vehicle battery is ever flat. I’ve actually never had to use it on my van but have started 2 cars with it that had flat batteries. No doubt the usual members will be along shortly with their negative responses stating how they won’t start a vehicle with a flat battery, waste of money etc, etc.
It looks great for if you're in a tent or something but in the van I would just use a spare battery. You could have it setup so that you un-plug one battery and plug in another. (Anderson plugs) , if you're always running out of LB power.
As others have said, that's £215 for something that is just more weight to carry around without offering anything in terms of everyday benefit. For that money you could add additional battery capacity, additional solar or both!
It looks great for if you're in a tent or something but in the van I would just use a spare battery. You could have it setup so that you un-plug one battery and plug in another. (Anderson plugs) , if you're always running out of LB power.

I take your point Steve.

I see it as a more convenient power source which can be used for purposes other than the van as well, although I would certainly take it along in the van just in case.

I also see myself using it for night fishing, and if the claimed 10 years life expectancy is lived up to (based on charging it once a week), I would be quite a happy bunny!

The optional lighting kits would also be handy for night time BBQ's etc.
Take note of one big disadvantage if left on charge too long it damages the battery when charging most rechargeable items we all tend to leave on charge too long or even overnight with this item all you do is damage the battery.

There is better start and charge units that will power stuff and start the van at these prices if I had room I would go to a spare leisure battery.
As others have said, that's £215 for something that is just more weight to carry around without offering anything in terms of everyday benefit. For that money you could add additional battery capacity, additional solar or both!

I already have 2 powerful Trojan batteries and solar panels, so it isn't really an issue.

If I was away for a long time though, it would give my Trojans a break if I was to run the TV from this at night.
The last 2 replies are helpful but ..

They seem to miss the point of getting a lightweight 2nd source of power essentially as a backup
a 2nd battery is heavy and you have to keep it somewhere and 100% connected (I Think)

The unit includes a pure sinewave connection
They can cost nearly £100
Take note of one big disadvantage if left on charge too long it damages the battery when charging most rechargeable items we all tend to leave on charge too long or even overnight with this item all you do is damage the battery.

There is better start and charge units that will power stuff and start the van at these prices if I had room I would go to a spare leisure battery.

I saw that Alf, apparently better to charge to about 80% which I didn't know previously.

It's about a 5 hour charge time on the unit, so hopefully won't be too difficult to control, although my memory isn't what it was!
I’m kinda getting to the opinion if you think it’ll work for you then good and doesn’t matter if it’s a couple of £ here or there if you like it go for it getting power either from solar genny efoy ehu or other means seems to be a hot potato at the moment and that’s the thing different solutions for different people . You’re not a high user rob. I was thinking of a flux capacitor myself but they’ll be somebody on here to tell me there Shiite. 😜👍
I’m kinda getting to the opinion if you think it’ll work for you then good and doesn’t matter if it’s a couple of £ here or there if you like it go for it getting power either from solar genny efoy ehu or other means seems to be a hot potato at the moment and that’s the thing different solutions for different people . You’re not a high user rob. I was thinking of a flux capacitor myself but they’ll be somebody on here to tell me there Shiite. 😜👍

It would certainly work for me Wully, I can also use it on the boat which has poor charging capacity for the leisure batteries from the outboard engine.

I like the idea of a flux capacitor though, not only could I zip forward to next week and get the lotto numbers, I could also zip back 3 years and wait on my driveway for the scrote who nicked my catalytic converter!
Does a flux capacitor work by taking you back to the future where your batteries are charged?, if not then they are shiite

I like the look of the lithium one Rob, like you I have two Trojan batteries, I also have a battery to battery charger and 250W solar panels but I always think about unforseen circumstances, it is a small price to pay for peace of mind
It looks like there's a little confusion in the info for the specs.

It says that the battery has protection against overcharging so why the warning about it?

I suppose you coujd always use one of these-http://www.partridgeelectronics.co.uk/07asub2.htm.
The link ain't linking so I searched for 230 volt power supply timers.

But I don't know if the 5 hours charge time applies when the battery is only 50% full.

I'd go for it!

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I have "chatted to Powapac"

They confirmed

1 Pure sine wave
2 Can charge off 12V

NO jumpstart (But I have another product for that)

I suggest the USB and 12V functions are 100%

They were not clear about "pairing it with the LB"

However you could simply use your EHU cable off the 240V socket
Eg for electric to allow the gas CH and Gads fridge to function and internal LED lighting
Obviously keep Fridge on Gas and be careful.. but if LB is low surely the 2490V supply would charge it until the Powapac gives up
But by then it has done it job !
From what I recall of Back To The Future, the back up power source was a lightning conductor. So there you go recharge your batteries in milliseconds.
From what I recall of Back To The Future, the back up power source was a lightning conductor. So there you go recharge your batteries in milliseconds.
I can just imagine Wully travelling around the campsite at 88MPH to get the lightening to charge his battery
Power pack drained

So I bought a power pack and only ever used the USB outlets.
This morning I was called on to start a car.
Full charge all lights glowing, clipped it on to dead car and it took all the power in 2 seconds and left me with one light out of 4.
Unknown to me the said dead car had no output from the alternator so the battery was really flat.
I have only ever had to charge the power pack twice.
Any explanation anybody.
Its Chinese but from a local supplier so I can go back.

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