Portugal GNR Banging on camper door!

This is my concern. As posted earlier please update ...

National Parks are marked on maps. My SatNav also has them marked in as a shaded area overlay. There is no excuse for ignorance of the law.
Just as lightning a fire or even a BBQ is also illegal in many areas of Spain at certain times of the year, unless you have the mayor with you as I did then all laws cease to exist :raofl:
In the village I lived in the few British that were around said we wouldn't get a telephone as they had been waiting for 18 months,3 days later I had a phone just asked the mayor !

A friend of mine building a house and workshop at Tremolat in France, Exactly the same not what you knew but who you knew. He employs a bit of local labour not on a big scale, alterations to building plans ( access to property) altered in a phone call and visit all done and dusted by lunch and a beer in the bar.

Sometimes it had to be seen to be believed.

After speaking to other Portuguese people, none of them seemed to be sure if I had received a warning or a fine.
To date, I have received no further correspondence. So, I think it fair to assume that it was a warning. My cards are marked though :ninja:
Recently there was a thread posted that referred to a news item in a Portuguese publication. The article included a reference to existing controls on parking.

This highlighted a problem with the issuing of fines to foreign vehicles. A warning has to be issued in the first instance and a fine can be imposed for a repeat offence. As I read it there's no mechanism to link the warning to a non-Portuguese vehicle.
now i'm certainly not suggesting any particular advice , just something to keep in mind perhaps . i was once fined 600 euros ,on a roadside stop, on a technicality. after a a bit of a row and chat i haggled it down to 30 euros. my theory is that cops can be seen in these circumstances as civil servants , going through the motions and looking for an easy life . they don't like rows where they can't shoot you. just a thought !

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