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Yesterday we were parked up for the night at what is known on the POI as CR Porto Das Barcas.
The GNR told us it was illegal to park there overnight due to it being a national park.
In this case Parque Natural do sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina.
After the initial loud bang on the door that startled us, I have to say that the two officers were very friendly and polite, but did ask for my passport and vehicle documents.
(Their English was much better than my Portuguese and
I explained that I had had a few beers.)
My details were recorded on a form called
"auto de noticia por contra-ordenacao"
Google translation
"self of news by against-ordination"
The bit filled in with details reads (with x's where my details are.)
No dia, hora e local acima mencionado no decorrer de um servico de Patrulhamento ao litoral verifcamos que a viatura modelo xxxxxx matricula xxxxxxx caravana propriedade de Acima Neweionado estacionda no local acima referido, violanda as disposicoes acima citadas, pela pratica de caravanismo O local supra incidcado situa-se na area do pargue do sudoeste alentejano e da Costa vicentina. que a uma area protegida de intresse national criada pelo Dec Reg No25/95
Google translation
in the day, time and place aforementioned in the course of a service of patrol to the coast verifcamos that the vehicle model xxxx registration xxxxxxx caravan property of above neweionado estacionda onsite above said, violanda the provisions above cited, by the practice of caravanismo the place super incidcado lies-if in the area of the pargue of the southwest alentejano and of the coast vicentina. that the a area protected of intresse national created by the Dec Reg No25/95
Over leaf it continues
21septembro infringrindo o contemplado na resolucaod de conselho ministros de 04 de fev. sendo o montante da coima se praticada por pessoas singulares e em caso de negligencia fixda de 200€ a 1000€ como previsto no disposto no artigo 22 n. °. 2 alinea a) da lei n. de 29 ago. com alteracoes introduzidas pela lei 89/2009 de 31 ago
Google translation
September 21 violating the contemplated in the resolution of council ministers of February 4. the amount of the fine being imposed by natural persons and in case of negligence fixed from € 200 to € 1000 as provided for in Article 22 n. °. 2 (a) of Act No. of 29 Aug. with amendments introduced by law 89/2009 of August 31
And finally in a box titled
perante o exposto fol a presente auto de noticia elaborado em quadriruplicado sendo o origional entregue no parque natural do sudoeste alentejano e costa vicentina para efeito da lei , o duplicado entregue ao infractor, o triplicadi ao comandante do destcamento de costeiro de sines para conhecimento e o quadruplicado para arquivo subdestacmento. e. mao. havendo mais nada a tratar, se encerra destra forma o presente Auto, que depois de lido e achado conforme vai ser assinado
Google translation
"in view of the foregoing, the present report was drawn up in a quad-duplicate, the original being delivered in the natural park of the southwest of the Alentejo and the Vincentian coast for the purpose of law, the duplicate delivered to the offender, the triplicadi to the commander of the coastal quadrmupled to file subdivision. and. hand. there being nothing else to deal with, if the present Auto is closed in this way, that after reading and finding it will be signed"
And then just above the signatures. I had to sign
para constarr se lavrou o present auto, que lido e achado conforme, vai ser devidamente assinado
Google translation
for constarr if filed the present self, that read and found according to, will go be properly signed.
They mentioned 20days, but I said that I would be gone in the morning.
The mentioned the 20days again, later, but I wasn't sure what they meant.
Has anyone else experienced this or shed any light on it?
I am hoping that I don't end up with a fine. We shall see!
The GNR told us it was illegal to park there overnight due to it being a national park.
In this case Parque Natural do sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina.
After the initial loud bang on the door that startled us, I have to say that the two officers were very friendly and polite, but did ask for my passport and vehicle documents.
(Their English was much better than my Portuguese and
I explained that I had had a few beers.)
My details were recorded on a form called
"auto de noticia por contra-ordenacao"
Google translation
"self of news by against-ordination"
The bit filled in with details reads (with x's where my details are.)
No dia, hora e local acima mencionado no decorrer de um servico de Patrulhamento ao litoral verifcamos que a viatura modelo xxxxxx matricula xxxxxxx caravana propriedade de Acima Neweionado estacionda no local acima referido, violanda as disposicoes acima citadas, pela pratica de caravanismo O local supra incidcado situa-se na area do pargue do sudoeste alentejano e da Costa vicentina. que a uma area protegida de intresse national criada pelo Dec Reg No25/95
Google translation
in the day, time and place aforementioned in the course of a service of patrol to the coast verifcamos that the vehicle model xxxx registration xxxxxxx caravan property of above neweionado estacionda onsite above said, violanda the provisions above cited, by the practice of caravanismo the place super incidcado lies-if in the area of the pargue of the southwest alentejano and of the coast vicentina. that the a area protected of intresse national created by the Dec Reg No25/95
Over leaf it continues
21septembro infringrindo o contemplado na resolucaod de conselho ministros de 04 de fev. sendo o montante da coima se praticada por pessoas singulares e em caso de negligencia fixda de 200€ a 1000€ como previsto no disposto no artigo 22 n. °. 2 alinea a) da lei n. de 29 ago. com alteracoes introduzidas pela lei 89/2009 de 31 ago
Google translation
September 21 violating the contemplated in the resolution of council ministers of February 4. the amount of the fine being imposed by natural persons and in case of negligence fixed from € 200 to € 1000 as provided for in Article 22 n. °. 2 (a) of Act No. of 29 Aug. with amendments introduced by law 89/2009 of August 31
And finally in a box titled
perante o exposto fol a presente auto de noticia elaborado em quadriruplicado sendo o origional entregue no parque natural do sudoeste alentejano e costa vicentina para efeito da lei , o duplicado entregue ao infractor, o triplicadi ao comandante do destcamento de costeiro de sines para conhecimento e o quadruplicado para arquivo subdestacmento. e. mao. havendo mais nada a tratar, se encerra destra forma o presente Auto, que depois de lido e achado conforme vai ser assinado
Google translation
"in view of the foregoing, the present report was drawn up in a quad-duplicate, the original being delivered in the natural park of the southwest of the Alentejo and the Vincentian coast for the purpose of law, the duplicate delivered to the offender, the triplicadi to the commander of the coastal quadrmupled to file subdivision. and. hand. there being nothing else to deal with, if the present Auto is closed in this way, that after reading and finding it will be signed"
And then just above the signatures. I had to sign
para constarr se lavrou o present auto, que lido e achado conforme, vai ser devidamente assinado
Google translation
for constarr if filed the present self, that read and found according to, will go be properly signed.
They mentioned 20days, but I said that I would be gone in the morning.
The mentioned the 20days again, later, but I wasn't sure what they meant.
Has anyone else experienced this or shed any light on it?
I am hoping that I don't end up with a fine. We shall see!