Politics, racism and ignorant members.


I remember thinking when I was younger, why did the citizens of Germany allow Hilter to commit such horrendous atrocities? He took a nation of people who were unhappy and convinced them that the Jews were the cause of all their problems. People often take very little or no convincing of this kind of propaganda and don't search for evidence themselves.

There are bad people, and they may have a religion or an accent or speak a different language, but that does not mean that all people who appear to have the same characteristics are bad.

To witness some of our members, who generally seem intelligent, posting these ignorant views is saddening.

In Germany, it started with politics and ended up with gas chambers.

  • I will not allow this forum to be used to spread hatred.
  • I will not turn a blind eye when innocent people are suffering.

There is one political party at the moment whose ideals are very close to the Nazi Party; for those members that support them, please keep your ideology to yourself. Your thoughts and beliefs are your own, and I respect your right to have them, but posting about that party on this forum will lead to a posting ban.


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