The places mentioned are seaside towns which make money from day trippers and boy racers. Motorhomes using the carparks as a campsite is the issue. Have we forgot the arrive late and leave early, leave no trace and if all ready occupied find another place. I think the old Wildcamping rule book has been thrown on the bonfire. I think Fisherman would like the whole of Bonnie Scotland to be run by Loch Lomond and Trosachs clowns.
Tell me Caledonia what rule book are you referring to.
Never heard of a rule book, I have read some guidelines, including the guidelines offered on this forum.
Perhaps I can refresh your memory.
Nowhere in any guidelines I have read does it state you must arrive late and leave early, this forum like all others I have read state a max of two nights, something which I adhere to.
Also you make reference to and I quote “clowns run by Loch Lomond and the Trossachs”
Well thanks to campaigning by people like myself and others we avoided a complete ban from April to October. And before you get on your high horse and blame Motorhomes for this we had little to do with it.
The main problem being daytrippers and people staying overnight in tents, chopping down bushes and small trees and starting fires, and other aspects similar to what is still going on at Musselburgh, barriers or not.
I have no doubt had we been banned you would have come on here blaming fellow Motorhomers for the ban covering a large rural part of bonnie Scotland.
Also you may not be aware but similar plans for other parts of Scotland’s rural areas are a distinct possibility. Many on Skye wish to ban Motorhomes, and the problem is being created by a lack of facilities, and the sheer volume of traffic due to daytrippers wishing to drive onto Skye with no accommodation then leave the same day. Motorhomes only account for 3% of the traffic on Skye, and half of these are from abroad, but yet again we are being made to pay the price for a lack of forward planning and thinking. Two Hebridean islands now ban Motorhomes without proof of a campsite booking, and its growing each and every year.
Also I was completely unaware that car parks provided from our taxes were solely put their to improve the local economy, I thought they were a public convenience for motorists from all over the uk and abroad. Oh as for Lidl, there are other supermarkets available, we shop in M&S. :nospam:
I understand your desire to solely park in rural locations, but Dornoch is hardly Edinburgh is it.
The Dornochs are growing more and more each year. Surely it should be possible to sort something out.
Soon you will go to a rural site you have enjoyed many times in the past, only to find the dreaded signs telling you you are not welcome, as I have.