photos of wid camping in scarborough and at hutoft 2012

Make the most of Huttoft, as i see it, it will only go the same way as Mogg's Eye, and a height barrier will be installed sooner than later.......Hope i'm wrong though as we love Huttoft.!

it's wilders putting out awnings, tables and chairs that have resulted in the loss of many good spots for the rest of us.
tables chairs and a patio heater no wonder they think you are there for a week:scared::scared::scared:
it's wilders putting out awnings, tables and chairs that have resulted in the loss of many good spots for the rest of us.

And where did this gem of illogical wisdom come from. On that logic if a motorist set up a picnic table then they would get banned . I understood the problems were alleged to be the dumping of rubbish.
If you think that behaviour goes unnoticed by locals then you really have got a short circuit.

I have used Huttoft, Moggs Eye and Six Marshes myself and got to know some of the regulars. I never saw them doing that but maybe they did.

That is not wilding .... it is taking the p**s in my view. But there again, according to you, I am illogical. :dance:
No, it's not illogical. I've said many times to officialdom that we will not turn a local authority's parking places into campsites. Sorry, Kontiki, if any council member or employee sees this picture he can just blow my assertion out of the water. If you do it, and I'd rather you didn't, then I'd rather you kept it to yourself.

And as far as dumping of waste goes. Well. It's not all that long ago that we had a thread telling the world that something like half of us do dump our waste on the ground.

We have been at the Ambleside Aire for a few days and have noticed that about half of the vans that vacate, leave a tell tale water trail behind as they go. Today another van had left it's grey tap open while washing or whatever, leaving quite a large puddle running towards the adjacent van.
In conversation with the owner, I just mentioned that had he noticed or forgotten to close the tap. He said that he emptied before arriving and as it was difficult to reach and close. Nearly 12 hours latter it is still open and creating a large puddle.
What makes it worse is thet the owner is a member of the respectable club the MCC and told me that he comes here regularly and usually parks on the grass with the tap open as it does the hedges good.
OK it may be good for the hedges but not on the hardcore where the next user might sit out!
Is it worth trying to be responsible with van owners as above letting the side down!:scared:
To be quite honest, in the weather we have with the odd shower, it is not too bad, but not in hotter weather, but I doubt the weather would influence these owners.

So now we have N Yorks drafting a TRO with the reason - to prevent dumping of waster.

And we can't argue. Not with the camping. And not with the dumping. The evidence is here for any council employee to read.
It's not worth mentioning anything anymore if mh owners are going to put awnings up and get tables out
They will do it wether we like it or not and as for emails that a lot of us have received from Scarborough
Council many of them are of exactly the same wording so what ever it may be like putting awnings up
Or dumping waste on the roads we are not going to change them that do do it nor are we going to make
Scarborough council change their minds so what ever the reason may be the damage is done we have to
Live with it
I think the first thing I ever heard of this episode was somebody with a mh parked up the top end of
Whitby I believe and a woman wallet past and noticed waste water dripping from the grey tank then
All of a sudden it's all over the wild camping forum that Scarborough council have stopped motorhomes
Parking up overnight it must be neigh on three years since I last went and I've never had any trouble
Off any one up that area I even love the place but just because we own motorhomes the innocent will
Suffer now because of the ones that don't give a **** about how we feel. I am planning to go back there
In July hope to see some innocent members up there and have a chat about the good old days in
Scarborough and whitby

sorry for the photo,s on here and I hope that I,ve deleted them in time not thinking sorry to everbody
It's not worth mentioning anything anymore if mh owners are going to put awnings up and get tables out
They will do it wether we like it or not and as for emails that a lot of us have received from Scarborough
Council many of them are of exactly the same wording so what ever it may be like putting awnings up
Or dumping waste on the roads we are not going to change them that do do it nor are we going to make
Scarborough council change their minds so what ever the reason may be the damage is done we have to
Live with it

I dont know. Maybe the forum does do its bit for educating others into wildcamping good conduct. If you didnt know better then you might not think about putting out awnings, patio heaters etc and think nothing of it. We however on here realise because of our collective knowhow and experiences just what a thin line we tread in the UK. Im sure the OP had just good intentions and didnt cause any bother and just wanted to show off his photos. Very nice they were too. Now perhaps he may go away and think about just what he gets out next time he is wilding.

I myself have learnt from others on here. I never would have thought about going around cleaning places up and picking up other peoples trash but having read that others do this and even witnessed other wild campers doing it I now try and do my bit.
sorry for the photo,s on here and I hope that I,ve deleted them in time not thinking sorry to everbody

Not at all kontiki man don't get me wrong the pictures are beautiful I don't think
Any harm is being done in the pictures it's just a case obviously that the residents
And Scarborough council don't like motorhomes in their town so I think they just make
New rules up as they go along and blame it on mh owners
hi chris

Well kontiki man , I've always wondered how to put a smiley face at the end of a post. Sometimes it says so much ! I wanted to put one at the end of my last post to you, along with a post replying to John H on a different thread ( immigration) . I have to post a lot of 'likes' as a different form of being jovial (is that spelt right? ) anyway I've think I've mastered it . I didn't realise that the 'code' changes to a' image' later. Anyway I'm digressing welcome on here , it can get a bit 'emotional' at times. You have to be thick skinned or you end up snapping ( like me) cause you can't take it ! I'm still learning have fun and remember , if you have to play with your patio heater don't advertise it !! :lol-053: Chris

hi chris thanks to your nice reply and your right about hard skin but we,ve been wilding for 8 years now and a caravaner for 15 years so I,m not new to this , never thought twice about the photos and for saying where we go on here people do it all the time on here and where they meet up and I,m glad they tell me I was wrong and put me in place lol as if they would of come to me face to face on site then they would of come unstuck , I,ve learn,t my lesson the hard way and I,ve said i,m sorry to everybody and I know everybody on here mean well and you sound like a great bloke yourself chris , as for the patio heater its gone now ,I now have a cast iron chimerny , only joking campers , anyway chris I hope to hear from you sometime or even meet up who knows kind regard alan.
Well Kontiki man I thought your pictures were excellent and highlighted exactly what wild camping is about, being social and enjoying yourself. You say you have being doing this for 8 years so you will be well aware of attitudes perceived or otherwise about parking up. Never had any problems myself and will continue to do so and if this has the awning out etc so be it, provided I am not upsetting anybody. Unfortunately objections appear to be raised without any real reason other than "don't like it" and that is from residents and MHs
Not me

I hope people on hear dont think I drop my waste or rubbish when I wild camp as I take everything home with us as I,ve read a story on here refering to me or have I got it wrong or someone in scarborough may be
i had better not goto scarborough though, as i would be accused of dumping rubbish, and thats by just turning up in my van................................

mind you, if i saw that line of bit white camper vans (i did see the little talbot on the end), i wouldnt park too close, i dont think they would want me to be near them in my old black van :-(
It don't matter what van you have I'm a great fan of the self build vans and some of them on this site look awesome and the owners should be proud like kontiki man clearly he was doing no harm to anyone so if mh owners want to have awnings out they should be allowed to. i can't see why this upsets the locals or the council and he should be proud to show his pictures. What I say is I bet there is a few of us on here that have seen other motorhomes leaving things lying around when they have gone and some of us have tidied up after they have gone the thing is why should we. Kontiki man sounded upset in one of his posts lastnight and I for one am sorry to him if he took offence to one of my posts I for one don't judge motorhome owners for having a good time
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