Let me explain.
For some reason that is possibly hereditory I have always enjoyed open-spaces and solitude. As a young-man I endured a council housing estate where you had to guard the shirt on your back and put-up with your neighbors choice of music.
As a young-working family man things improved a little and then as an aging parent I lived in middle-class detached suburbia but still had to put-up with someone else's taste in music.
Eventually, Nirvana.
Nine years ago myself and my partner bought this barn-conversion on what was once a working farm, we're in a peaceful valley surrounded by hills, sheep and cattle. There is no traffic noise and our two neighbors love this place for the same reasons though I've had to suffer criticm from visitors and family who consider, yes, its lovely, but how can you live so isolated.
The noisiest days are when farm machinery access the fields down our lane, our access lane is a dead-end and a private road, cattle and sheep are occasionally moved along the lane.
If we need an emergency ambulance or a doctor we are likely to have to cope until they find us and it happened twice, its 10 to 15 minutes drive for the shopping and a hard-act to follow if we are looking to go camping.
Yes, Its been suggested I'm anti-social because I live alone 5 days a week though having that space around me is proving to be an excellent way to conduct a relationship for both of us who are, second-time-around.
I've stayed on a few lovely club sites and mostly people are respectful of each others needs though like dog-owners its always the few who spoil it for many.
Finally, after almost ten years of peace I've become very sensitive to the close proximity of lots of people, even a supermarket is a place to get-in and out of as quick as possible.
My sense of smell has changed, all towns and of-course cities stink, it stinks around here but of sheep, cattle, grass and the sea. We have the sea around us on three sides.
How am I doing ? You get the picture ? Understand ?
Today I'm waiting for the rain to stop, then me and my dog are off to the beach to play ball, thats a ten minute drive.