parking at lidels in Europe definitive answer?

a car park is owned by someone - it its private property and i would always ask - like Penny i get a good response when i do.

Unless it would seem that you are going to a wedding do. Then it would seem the thinking is its alright not to ask for some reason.
Only whilst shopping


France. Berck. August 2017
Not quite on topic but our local Lidl in U.K. since it's under gone a face lift has restricted it's parking to 90 minutes only

Due to waiting for them to open another till.

What's the weather like in Brittany David?
Thinking of heading that way. Don't want silly hot but definitely don't want rain.
Thank you

Thank you for your comprehensive reply.

I will use the link when I have a better connection; thank you.

It's about time we visited Brittany considering all the positive comments on here about the area and your description of the weather there sounds good enough for us.

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