parking at lidels in Europe definitive answer?


Please does anyone know the factual answer to Wether or not you can park a motorhome at a lidels in the blue marked motorhome sections over night not just throughout the daytime.
I. E.can you sleep in your van in the mh area and if so how long and do you have to ask anyone etc.been in portugal for weeks some say you can but for 48 hours some say it's only daytime.would help with those odd overnight stops.cheers hope to hear from md of lidels soon......
Hi there
Lidl is great for shopping in Europe but I'm sure there are better places to park nearby overnight with better views. Having said that if the car park isn't barriered then you'd probably be ok. What's the worst that could happen?

And leaves in the morning after emptying his grey wate all over the car park. 😭

now your taking the wee wee.

you forgot being first in the shop and buying the reduced bread before you got there. hee hee.
Libels park up?

Thanks guys and gals for all your absolutely worthless words of!
I needed to ask a serious question ...oh yes it's a blog I forgot....
If I empty my grey waste and toilet outside a Spanish police station on a Sunday before 6am is it legal?
Reasons are I don't want to stay at lidlels on my tours etc.
It's the same old uk Tesco question can you legally stay etc over u ask the manager?
Why... we'll wild camping in well established areas of Portugal in June we were politely asked to move by .the gnr (don't mess don't ask silly questions don't say but there are no signs etc etc etc...gnr!)
As wild camping is illegal etc. And....there were lidels stores at both these sites at 5 mins drive away..hence the question...and politely I would ask you know the answer? If not don't say anything...
It is a far better thing to appear to be stupid..than open your mouth and confirm the fact...thank u.
Probably isn't a definitive answer as it may be up to each manager. Seen loads staying overnight in lidls Portugal and Spain.
I think I would ask, being polite never hurt anyone and generally on our travels in Europe asking has got a good response :)
Enjoy the view in the day park there at night and fresh bread in the mornings :)
a car park is owned by someone - it its private property and i would always ask - like Penny i get a good response when i do.
a car park is owned by someone - it its private property and i would always ask - like Penny i get a good response when i do.

Exactly some carparks the stores own others are on a lease and often owned by a developer or council that off load to private parking companies therefore the Manager has as much say as you do.

Whether this is the case in Portugal I have no idea, Intermarches in France are a franchise so Ibet that varies and ask perhaps best policy

I'm sorry I can't answer your question about Lidle but my understanding for spain is that you can use any public carpark (that does not charge....)
I don't go into cities but all towns and villages have car parks on the outskirts. Park up tidy and do not put anything out (even though others do) and you will be fine.
I did this several times in spain in May, had the civil guardia cruse past, and no trouble.
I think one of the big supermarkets allows. ?.leclerc??? but sorry I am not sure.

New to this forum but in many Lidl's you are encouraged to park overnight in Portugal
Used a few in Scotland,always stay away from the ramp the early truck delivers.
We norm buy milk n bread then ask if it's ok to stop o/n out the way ,not been refused yet and even told that the cctv is in operation
Never used one abroad sorry
Please does anyone know the factual answer to Wether or not you can park a motorhome at a lidels in the blue marked motorhome sections over night not just throughout the daytime.
I. E.can you sleep in your van in the mh area and if so how long and do you have to ask anyone etc.been in portugal for weeks some say you can but for 48 hours some say it's only daytime.would help with those odd overnight stops.cheers hope to hear from md of lidels soon......

It is accepted practice in Portugal, not sure about Spain although in our experience Spanish Lidl's are often more centrally located and parking is much tighter, to such an extent that I always use streetview before heading to a Spanish Lidl.
What's in a name or term? Parked on an is aire is hardly wild camping.
The term shouldn't be taken too literally. I've occasionly found supermarket
carparks to be more picturesque and safer than the alternatives. Perversely
(to some no doubt) I''ve found it more entertaining being somewhere where
there's plenty going on rather than somewhere just too quiet. Ones mans
meat....and all that.

Should add, for a night or at most a couple of nights.
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Parking up on a bit of tarmac next to some river or lake often
in my opinion doesn't merit the term 'wilding' t's just a euphemism
n my lexicon. I gave aires just as an eg, perhaps I should have listed
river banks etc. A choice location is not always available and after what may
have been a long drive the last thing I want to do is look around for
a riverbank. If the supermarket carpark looks OK. Everything
depends on the context at the time.
Perhaps surprisingly I've found not a few French
vans themselves forego the opportunity of staying in
the nearest aire and approach me enquiring if it's
OK to stop where I'm parked up. Apparently it's
because they don't like to be on their own, as may
well be the case off season.
I parked overnight in a Lidl car park in Germany a few years ago and nobody asked me to move. But then there is a Lidl in almost every little town and village in Germany so they probably don't get too crowded.

It would be a very different matter with the local Lidl in Newton Abbot near to where I live. Their car park is quite small and always packed when they're open. They have a car park attendant keeping an eye on things and a big sign up saying that if you park for more than 90 minutes you'll get fined!

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