Own up if you've ever...


...thanked a cash machine!!! Please tell me I'm not alone in this mental abberation;)
Son once thanked the speaking clock on the phone :lol-053:.............and me last week at work instead of picking up the telephone intercom to see who was at the door I was tapping the screen ..shouting ....hellooooooooooooo helllloooooooooooo no suprise then I wasnt getting an answer :lol-053:
Been there, done that, or somthing similar.

I asked colleagues in the office if they had been having problems with the phone system, then realised I was trying to dial using the computer keyboard...
Not thanked a cash machine, but do talk to the checkout machine at the supermarket, usually to tell it that it's bloody stupid!
i just talk to myself,i love it when i win an argument pees my other side right off and goes in the huff:lol-061:
Don't you just love it when it says.

Thank you for using the fast lane?
I once tried to open the garden gate buy clicking the car remote, doh.
I tried to use a mobile phone to change telly channels......

When I was low loader driving I used to speak words of encouragement to my wagon a lot, especially on steep hills with a heavy load or when bogged down. I found it helped. It growled back sometimes too.

Did you ever rock backwards and forwards in your seat whilst struggling uphill thinking that you would make the slightest bit of difference?
come on come on u can do it just a little bit more :lol-053:
after i put a reversing camera in my wife sat looking at the screen so i went round the back and waved,i could see her waving back through the back window,so i mimed 'cup of tea?' nice to see her nodding at the screen and mouthing yes please
When in passenger seat when my daughter is driving I'm constantly pressing the imaginary break :scared::scared:
My wife talks to seedlings in a very loud voice.

She says, "For Gods sake, when will you grow up". :dance:
I am so glad I am not alone...I always thank the cash machine, swear at the self service checkout, and have answered the remote instead of the phone. I also duck when there are low branches when I am driving...WHY??? :scared:

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