Our Baby

We have just got back from our first long trip away. We long for us. We went the 160 miles to the South Coast and back. The van ran very well, OK not exactly a flyer but it cruises along the motorway as between 55 and 60 and is returning a bit over 30mpg.

My worries about the overheating were completely unfounded I'm please to say. The gauge has now been disconnected.

The only downside is everything is too cluttered, so this winter everything is coming out and I'm starting again. I have already been looking at other peoples ideas on here. LOL I hope they are not patented.
I had one of those for work a few years ago, it never had a speedo, it had a calender,sometimes i nearly got done for loitering and was told to move on .:giggle:
hows that van comin on funky????? it ll look cool heavy blacked out windows proper pimp:angel:
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The Look



However, I'm thinking of upgrading to this.

looks quite the thing with them cool stickers very nice ...for some reason i like them vans they look quirky in a nice way.. plenty of room too

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