I must admit that I find the proposition that we should be able to say anything that we like very puzzling. Hasn't history taught us anything? The fact that we have laws prohibiting certain kinds of speech is proof in itself that society disapproves of unfettered opinion. I also find it odd that people who would never condone a physical attack on someone can contemplate a world in which we can attack them just as viciously in print or speech.
Many ordinary Germans found it easier to push Jews, Gypsies and homosexuals into the gas chambers and to club children to death, as Jewish children weren't worth a bullet. (As witnessed by a late friend who was in Bergen Belsen.)
Why were they able to do these monstrous things? It was because Hitler and Goebbels had, by clever propaganda, persuaded them that such people were sub-human and not worthy of normal civilised treatment.
Politicians and government, by enacting such things as the Race Relations Act have changed our behaviour. We now accept, or I hope that we do, that landladies can no longer put notices in their windows saying: No Blacks, Pakis or Irish. We no longer accept, or I hope that we do, that it is wrong to say that Jews are all racially inferior shylocks who are undermining society. There are extremists out there who hold these views. Should we allow them to voice them?
Was government right to stop us saying these things and behaving like this? Or should we be able to say whatever we like, no matter how distressing and no matter what the risk is of stirring the more unthinking members of our country into acts of violence against minorities.
As for forums such as this, any libel can also rebound on the site's owner and he can be enjoined in any forthcoming legal proceedings and the decision in such cases should be his and his alone.
Many ordinary Germans found it easier to push Jews, Gypsies and homosexuals into the gas chambers and to club children to death, as Jewish children weren't worth a bullet. (As witnessed by a late friend who was in Bergen Belsen.)
Why were they able to do these monstrous things? It was because Hitler and Goebbels had, by clever propaganda, persuaded them that such people were sub-human and not worthy of normal civilised treatment.
Politicians and government, by enacting such things as the Race Relations Act have changed our behaviour. We now accept, or I hope that we do, that landladies can no longer put notices in their windows saying: No Blacks, Pakis or Irish. We no longer accept, or I hope that we do, that it is wrong to say that Jews are all racially inferior shylocks who are undermining society. There are extremists out there who hold these views. Should we allow them to voice them?
Was government right to stop us saying these things and behaving like this? Or should we be able to say whatever we like, no matter how distressing and no matter what the risk is of stirring the more unthinking members of our country into acts of violence against minorities.
As for forums such as this, any libel can also rebound on the site's owner and he can be enjoined in any forthcoming legal proceedings and the decision in such cases should be his and his alone.