Open message to Phil

John H

Full Member
You say you will ban me if I do not desist from complaining about what I see as censorship. You have your finger on the button but I am not a believer in "might being right" so, despite the fact that I may be banned I can give no such undertaking. If this turns out to be my last post, then so be it - I have had some interesting discussions on here and met some great people and if I can't engage with them on here I will continue to debate with them and others on forums that take a view on free speech that is closer to my own. I would prefer to stay but that is up to you.
We have forum rules that you agreed to, continue to break them and like any other member you will be banned.
From what Phil has said it's actually up to you John so just chill out.
You say you will ban me if I do not desist from complaining about what I see as censorship. You have your finger on the button but I am not a believer in "might being right" so, despite the fact that I may be banned I can give no such undertaking. If this turns out to be my last post, then so be it - I have had some interesting discussions on here and met some great people and if I can't engage with them on here I will continue to debate with them and others on forums that take a view on free speech that is closer to my own. I would prefer to stay but that is up to you.

whats a matter with you? in the passed i have enjoyed reading some of your posts, you seem a very well educated and knowledgeable man, have a word with yourself Mr H
John, you could take this up with Phil on PMs if need be? Is it helpful to keep on reopening this type of public thread when it should be fairly obvious to you, most of the rest of the forum is not interested?
Not so much not interested as saddened. I have learned a lot because of Phil and John H's contributions to this site. I have also have had a lot of fun so can we please put this to bed as there will be no winner but we could all be loosers.

This is the grave of Mike O'Day,
He died maintaining his right of way.
His right was clear, his will was strong,
But ,he is just as dead as if he were wrong ????
Well, I appear to be still here! Not interested? Saddened? Those feelings and others are your right to hold and that is what I am arguing for - your right to hold whatever views, within the law, that you want to. Some people, it seems, want some of you not to express those views. Yes, I could have pm'd Phil, but his last message to me was on a public forum and then he froze it. I felt it deserved to be answered on a public forum.
Freedom of speech is a very important principle to defend - but not necessarily the freedom to go on and on and on!
However, I was upset to see people wanting to have a Dislike or Thumbs Down comment button. There has been a lot of negativity on this forum that has frightened some very nice people away. I look forward when I come online to seeing if any kind person has given me a Like, it makes my day. I think if I got a Thumbs Down I would probably be so distressed I would never post again.
Can we please have a bit more live and let live? Little chicks in their nest agree, as my mother used to say?
my only two penny worth on this is john h is genuine motorhomer and wild camper with lots of miles and years of experience to share he is not a troll just out to argue

p.s he does seem to get a lot of pleasure out of it though :lol-061:
However, I was upset to see people wanting to have a Dislike or Thumbs Down comment button. There has been a lot of negativity on this forum that has frightened some very nice people away. I look forward when I come online to seeing if any kind person has given me a Like, it makes my day. I think if I got a Thumbs Down I would probably be so distressed I would never post again.

Agree 100% about the dislike button. It's far too negative, and to be honest, people can't even get on with each other using the present system. Imgine the arguments and tit for tat thumbing down battles! Teffy is totally spot on with this, it would not benefit the community.
It was my understanding that the thumbs down button would be for a thread, not individual posts but on reflexion. Maybe we can do without more negativity!

Well, I appear to be still here! Not interested? Saddened? Those feelings and others are your right to hold and that is what I am arguing for - your right to hold whatever views, within the law, that you want to. Some people, it seems, want some of you not to express those views. Yes, I could have pm'd Phil, but his last message to me was on a public forum and then he froze it. I felt it deserved to be answered on a public forum.

John, FOS isn't the issue, it was the topic where it was expressed was the issue, i really hope you can understand that and see Phil's responsibility for having to delete the thread, i know it can be very frustrating sometimes if someone puts a view accross and you disagree and thread gets closed, its happened to me, and others, but as this is a public forum and anyone can come and take a peek at the site we do have to be mindful of what we say, i am proud to part of such a friendly site and feel quite comfortable putting my name to it when i contact pubs to ask for overnight stays, can you imagine if a landlord came for a peek? do you think they would allow such a bunch of opinionated baffoons in their pub?, have a think about things, and like i have said, i enjoy reading your posts, let the blood pressure settle and continue to contribute in the manner you have always done.

My dear old mum once said "If its too hot in the kitchen -get out" in other words you can either stay or go but in the kitchen I am the boss. !!!!!!!! :mad2:
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I had a few posts on the deleted thread and my initial post was made because I found the title of the thread alone to be presumptive and extremely damaging to an entire community of family and friends that existed in a much loved child's life .
It is not only the bereaved we need to consider when exercising our freedom of speech on public forums we also have to consider the wider impact of any posts .
I personally admire Phil enormously for having the guts to take the thread down .
John, FOS isn't the issue, it was the topic where it was expressed was the issue, i really hope you can understand that and see Phil's responsibility for having to delete the thread, i know it can be very frustrating sometimes if someone puts a view accross and you disagree and thread gets closed, its happened to me, and others, but as this is a public forum and anyone can come and take a peek at the site we do have to be mindful of what we say, i am proud to part of such a friendly site and feel quite comfortable putting my name to it when i contact pubs to ask for overnight stays, can you imagine if a landlord came for a peek? do you think they would allow such a bunch of opinionated baffoons in their pub?, have a think about things, and like i have said, i enjoy reading your posts, let the blood pressure settle and continue to contribute in the manner you have always done.



I know my views on this are not shared by the majority but, as you may have gathered, I feel very strongly that nothing is ever achieved by banning things - however distasteful they might be. And, although I am in the minority on here, the threads I started do seem to have attracted a great deal of notice so people are thinking about the issues and that can be nothing but good (and I have no intention of talking about the original thread that was deleted because the subject of that thread is not the issue for me; the freedom to discuss is the issue). I have, over the past few days been accused of everything from moving the goalposts (odd, that one) to stubbornly sticking to a point when nobody is interested (I plead guilty to that one). As they say, if you are attacked from both ends of the spectrum then you must be doing something right!

As for the opinionated crowd in the pub, that is an interesting point. When we go into a pub, do we consent to the landlord dictating what we may or may not discuss, providing it is within the law? It seems to me that if any landlord took such an attitude then he would soon run out of customers. But there is a seriously interesting point for discussion here - how do we set the limits on freedom and who sets them? I see this as a big topic which can be debated without rancour and without reference to any particular case (and indeed without reference to this website) if anybody is interested.
I would strongly suspect that the large number of members who have read this thread have done so more for their amusement and entertainment (as they will whenever there is a "fall-out" or disagreement on a thread), rather than for any genuine interest in the prolonged rants about so-called "free-speech".

As for an "adult attitude" I find nothing more childish than someone getting on a soapbox to repetitively bicker about something, mainly for the sake of bickering!

I also (presumptuously?) believe that the vast majority of members are quite satisfied and in agreement with the rules and standards that are part of this website.

Can we now let this matter end?
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