Well, just had first hand experience of why the issue of of fixed toilets has become a hot topic for Kiwi's.
We are currently camped up at Lake Wardell, a forest camp site with flush toilet. There is room for dozens of vans or tents.
Ten minutes ago a young lass walked past our camper, she appeared quite furtive, looked around then she stepped behind a tree. She was obviously more concerned about being observed from another camper some distance away so she hid herself more from them than from us. Our camper has tinted windows, she obviously couldn't see us looking straight at her.
Down she squats, quick wipe to her front then she heads back to her car.
She didn't half look embarrassed when I opened the door and pointed to where the toilets were.
If she had done a poo, I would have called her out but she didn't, however, it doesn't look good when there are toilet facilities.
Maybe she didn't know about the toilets? Maybe she was too lazy to walk the extra distance?
Most men have peed outdoors and a fair number of women I guess so it's difficult to be too narky about it but I guess it's different when it's your backyard so to speak?