Just wondered, nbrown, if you had chance to look at any dogs yet? Do keep us updated.
just gave up smoking[there's a very easy trick to it if you want to know,simply have a near death experience,worked for me!] and was toying with the idea of getting a dog. where's all the mongrels? i don't want some expensive interbred pure breed thing i daren't leave tiedup outside a shop in case it gets nicked,i want some ugly misshapen object that will always be grateful [hang on wife's reading over my shoulder,whoops] where was i ? oh yes,haven't seen a mongrel for a while, they're often the best of both parents,used to be given away,would eat anything and defend you to the death,looks like they've been phased out by modern living. when i was a kid only the wealthy had a pure breed and our dogs could sort them out anytime, i suppose in these days when dogs aren't allowed to roam the streets rooting through everyone's bins and impregnating every female in sight[and bitch wasn't a bad word and gay meant joyful and your partner was in business with you etc etc blah blah] these great dogs are a thing of the past.as am i
If you are going near Spain you will find dozens of mongrels running around where other campers park up
Don't tar all dog owners with the same brush you get good and bad owners, just as you get good and bad parents and motorhome people. :angel: