Night Stop A Coruna, Galicia



Planning our Spain/Portugal trip and have got as far as A Coruna.

Struggling to find anywhere to stop.

There is a stop at the Hercules lighthouse, but its a fair walk from the town

Hear about one at the aquarium not feeling good vibes.

We like to be in a town centre (legally and properly), stop circa lunch time, see the town, off next morning.

Any ideas please?
We stop just outside the town here at Cetarea; worth a look if you can't find a place in town.


Overlooks a small harbour with cafe.
I did stay last year on the side of the road on the way out of the town west facing with the bay on my right hand side. Can't be more helpful.
night stop A Coruna


Planning our Spain/Portugal trip and have got as far as A Coruna.

Struggling to find anywhere to stop.

There is a stop at the Hercules lighthouse, but its a fair walk from the town

Hear about one at the aquarium not feeling good vibes.

We like to be in a town centre (legally and properly), stop circa lunch time, see the town, off next morning.

Any ideas please?

Have stayed at the aire in book it was quite nice though not in middle of town. N43degrees 22.318' W008 degrees 26.690' good view over sea and small marina page 82 2nd edition all the Aires Spain/Portugal. Also travelling down into Portugal stopped at Arcade lovely spot on edge of fjord like bit of water. again in same book page 85.N42deg.20.366'W008deg36.796' we never did find the emptying point but there is tap on the end of the big building.

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