New Sign - Applecross pass on NC500


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A new sign has appeared - apparently advisory !? banning motorhomes & caravans from going up the pass
A few locals have confirmed this sign does exist (in case anyone -like me- was wondering!)
Some people are saying (FBook) it's to make the pass one way and protect the area whilst people go mad after being cooped up during Corona virus pandemic
According to the NC500 web page, the official route from Shieldaig is anti clockwise around the coast road to Applecross, returning over Bealach na Ba to rejoin the A896 near Ardarroch.
Not sure but this sign may be to discourage folk from heading to Applecross via The Pass
I’d think it’s probably a good idea considering the lack of driving ability of the great unwashed these days, it’s not an easy road for the majority of UK road users as it is extremely “alpine”
In busy times a "motorhomes one-way system is good"

Some Swiss passes and inded the elan valley advise coaches to go one-way only.
I suggest no problem for Panelvan conversions
I went over there in the winter,stopped at the viewpoint and threw some snowballs around for the dog,did consider staying the night but decided it was too risky and might get snowed in,nice drive though.
I went over there in the winter,stopped at the viewpoint and threw some snowballs around for the dog,did consider staying the night but decided it was too risky and might get snowed in,nice drive though.
I got up there in thick cloud - no view at all - so its on my 'to visit again' list!
And its no problem for middle aged hippies in T4's ;-)
First drove over in the 70's in my HB Viva, didn't see another car, last drove over in the late 90's in our T25, saw one car, nowadays way people talk sounds more like the M25. :eek:
First drove over in the 70's in my HB Viva, didn't see another car, last drove over in the late 90's in our T25, saw one car, nowadays way people talk sounds more like the M25. :eek:
Actually i think i just passed one or two vehicles - but thats perhaps because everyone knew they'd be no view at the top - but i , of course, go anyway in the hope that there was to be a divine parting of the clouds! - That failed though, despite me getting my wand out! :(
Think we will find a few new or similar signs where some locals have used this Covid lockdown as an excuse to push there agendas without proper consultation.
If a sign says no motorhomes I ignore it cos I'm in a truck,if a sign says no trucks i ignore it cos I'm in a motorhome,there's probably a word for it nowadays..bihomeial?
binomial? Its the same as the signs that say 'no overnight camping' - I'm not camping I'm parking.... ;-)
I've been over the pass many times but the worst was 3 or 4 years ago when I drove from Cambridgeshire to Applecross non stop trying to get there in time before the pub closed.
When we got to the foot of the pass there was a gale blowing and reports of 100mph winds, it was also snowing lightly. We went for it anyway and I swear at times we were on 2 wheels going over the top. We got there to a darkened pub due to power cuts but they let us in with a few locals who I know and we drank by candle light until the early hours. That night a motorhome blew over on it's side at the campsite. We were lashed by spray from the sea all night parked in the supposed shelter of the public car park not far from the pub.

After that, we have no qualms about going over the pass in most weather conditions.
I've been over the pass many times but the worst was 3 or 4 years ago when I drove from Cambridgeshire to Applecross non stop trying to get there in time before the pub closed.
When we got to the foot of the pass there was a gale blowing and reports of 100mph winds, it was also snowing lightly. We went for it anyway and I swear at times we were on 2 wheels going over the top. We got there to a darkened pub due to power cuts but they let us in with a few locals who I know and we drank by candle light until the early hours. That night a motorhome blew over on it's side at the campsite. We were lashed by spray from the sea all night parked in the supposed shelter of the public car park not far from the pub.

After that, we have no qualms about going over the pass in most weather conditions.

...I tell a lie, Julie reckons that time we didn't do it in one trip, we stayed over at Scotch Corner for a night and drove up from there the following day.
I always plan our trip to drive down the pass towards Loch Kishorn. Personally I find the views better to take in than driving up. Just my opinion.

I usually just do whatever takes my fancy on the day regarding the pass Terry, I'm never disappointed.
I suppose if heading there direct from the south, for example, going to Eagle Rock, then up the pass from Kishorn side is the logical route. I prefer gravity get me around those hairpins, less stressful on the clutch, too!!

Last time there usual downward route in atrocious weather, was like going through a car wash, in fact, was that trip 2017 last person I spoke with outside the inn was Alasdair Macleod, who a few month later drowned while out on his prawn fishing boat!!

Speaking of boats, any further forward with the purchase?

Might be sticking with the old boat now Terry, especially with the motorbike purchase coming up! A couple of friends are buying a boat and moving it to the marina where I am moored and they had planned a few trips out on the river with me so I don't want to let them down.

I got on really well with Ali and was devastated to hear of his death. Such a nice bloke with a dry sense of humour and well liked by everyone. I spent many hours chatting with him during my stays outside the Inn.

I'm really p***ed off to have missed a trip up there this year so far, hopefully soon but definitely this winter.

Your mention of Eagle Rock reminds me, the kids/grandkids want to go back there for a stay again - could cost me a fortune!

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