N&P closing, Metro bank or other?

So preload this card for your expected cash withdrawals and the Clarity card will cost you nowt!

But why go to this bother? There is hardly any need to use cash these days. Everywhere accepts cards ...

Try paying for tapas in a small bar with a card - or for a sack of peppers at the local market! :) We use the Clarity Card and pay it off within 48 hours and have only ever paid 17p interest (I was late once!). Not only are there no fees if you do it this way but you will not get a better rate anywhere so we intend to stick with it as long as they offer the same deal. Paying it off takes seconds if you have access to Wi-Fi. Technically you are not allowed to pre-load but I have done it on occasions with no problems.
Try paying for tapas in a small bar with a card - or for a sack of peppers at the local market! :) We use the Clarity Card and pay it off within 48 hours and have only ever paid 17p interest (I was late once!). Not only are there no fees if you do it this way but you will not get a better rate anywhere so we intend to stick with it as long as they offer the same deal. Paying it off takes seconds if you have access to Wi-Fi. Technically you are not allowed to pre-load but I have done it on occasions with no problems.

I didn't know this, well sussed out. I normally use a Halifax Clarity Card for credit card purchases and a Cashpassport pre-pay card for ATM withdrawals but think i'll try that next time.

Bit of an obvious question perhaps but do you get the same favourable exchange rate on the cash advance with the clarity card?
I didn't know this, well sussed out. I normally use a Halifax Clarity Card for credit card purchases and a Cashpassport pre-pay card for ATM withdrawals but think i'll try that next time.

Bit of an obvious question perhaps but do you get the same favourable exchange rate on the cash advance with the clarity card?


Yes, the rate is the same whether you draw cash or make a purchase with the card. We have used it for many years now (ever since Nationwide started charging for cash withdrawals).
Beware pre-loading

Check your T & C's if intending to pre-load a credit card; it can have consequences.
I know it will invalidate Section 75 protection therefore likewise it may cause other issues as you are effectively using a credit card as a debit card.
The minimum you should check out is whether they will accept fraudulent losses as they could use the fact that it is your money that has been taken, rather than theirs, against you.
Caxton for cash withdrawals from ATMs and Revolut (because their exchange rate is better than Caxton) for point-of-sale transactions. We watch the exchange rate and buy/top-up when it's favourable, if we can.

There are no fees or transaction charges. Revolut has a £5000 per month limit beyond which you do pay a % commission.

Revolut is app only.
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We also like to have a reasonable amount of cash on us ... coffees, lunch, markets etc. To keep our finances as simple as possible, we prefer to use just the one bank account. I can check the balance against our logging all spending and pay STOs and DD all from the one place. Anyway ... I'm pleased with Metro Bank so far.

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