My Roamer 460ah lithium battery performance

Lithium Batteries are going up for sure. Raw Materials are pricier; The Chinese authorities (they ALL originate in China) have imposed a "safety" tariff on each battery to cover the higher risk following various instances in the factories and docks, plus inflation generally. The lowering value of the Pound will also make imports more expensive.

If I were buying Lithium at the moment, I wouldn't be holding off hoping for lower prices personally. FWIW, the Batteries that Fisherman has are the same as I have had in my Motorhome for a few months now and I think they are excellent batteries and great value even at the current price.
Glad I took your advice David, I see my batteries have increased since buying.
For 100ah lithium batteries with blutooth and heaters I reckon I got a bargain.
As far as I know Alpha are still doing the WC 7.5% discount.
Also they had larger models available, but I see they are gone now.
Glad I took your advice David, I see my batteries have increased since buying.
For 100ah lithium batteries with blutooth and heaters I reckon I got a bargain.
As far as I know Alpha are still doing the WC 7.5% discount.
Also they had larger models available, but I see they are gone now.
Ref the larger batteries .... I don't think it is possible to order when showing out of stock, but just a heads up for those wanting bigger single units ... A delivery of 300Ah Lithiums is due in this month, both the Polarmax and Base models (I'm waiting on a 300Ah Base). Anyone after those will probably need to call?

I don't know if discounts will continue to be available.... I got an email from another major battery distributor to advise that any orders for batteries arriving from 1st October will be at a higher price.
Most of the newer batteries including this one have low temp charge protection, so this in not an issue.
This is something I always get confirmation of from the supplier as there are still some batteries out there that have BMSes that claim to offer this but either don't work or don't have temp sensors fitted (one reason to avoid the no-name imports!)

As an aside and a general thing, if fitting batteries with integral heating, such as the Alpha Battery Polarmax for example, it is worth remembering to turn OFF any low temp protection on chargers, as that will stop the charging current going to the battery and so get diverted to the heating to bring up the battery temp if below the threshold (the heating pads on these type of batteries use energy from the Chargers, and NOT from the battery itself as some believe).

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