My first wild camp

Our 1st ever wildcamp was in an old quarry off the A465 just outside Clydach, South Wales. All fine until 10pm ish when 3 car boy racers started doing wheelies & doughnuts a few yards away. We just stared at them & they soon departed without a word spoken - peaceful sleep all night thereafter.

2nd wildcamp was by picknick site on north bank of Ennerdale Water; off the A 5086 'tween Cockermouth & Cleator, through Ennerdale hamlet onto the dead end lane. Absolute peace, gently lapping lake waterside & not a soul in site. I don't have a digital guidance thing so can't give Lat & Long degrees.

Hope you continue to safely enjoy wild camping - having a dog is a good idea; we sometimes leave a bowl of water outside, even though we don't have a dog !.
Our 1st wildcamp was a disaster ..........but we did another wildcamp back in the winter when we headed home from the 'southern frosties meet' we stayed on Bognor beach and it was lovely waking up on a cold crisp morning having tea and toast and watching the sun rise. I still get nervous only because Himbenny can sleep on a washing line and I worry about him not waking up if anything horrible was to happen. I suppose with time its gets easier and your worries subside, I hope so anyway.
Oooh, 'eck, I can't remember the FIRST time, but I do remember some very good early ones, around 1978-80ish. One on a former gun emplacement at the end of the Llyn Peninsula overlooking Bardsey Island as the sun set. The circular gun bases were absolutely horizontal & not hard to get our then Commer wanderer pop top on to.

Another at the tip of the Mull of Kintyre where the dog caught 2 rabbits. One had Myx so we just put it out of its misery, the other one I gutted, skinned & popped in a pot. We cooked it for 2 hours - it smelt lovely, but it wasn't cooked, so we had beans on toast & tried a few more hours a tea time, still not cooked, so we had fish & chips. I think we finally ate it the following day! Now I know to use a pressure cooker!

Yet another on Rivington Pike (Lancashire) parked on the kitchen floor of Lord Leverhulme's burnt down house. Again, the Victorian earthenware tiles were absolutely level & the view was superb!

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