Murray don't look if you don't want to know

You are so funny it cracks me up .
You just cannot see that most sports fans wish bad luck on the opposing team or player !
I do not have any hatred or jealousy towards any player or players I just watch tennis throughout the year and do not like Murray and never have as a player but that in no way means that as a person he is not a fantastic guy ?
As for money I think that of all forum members you are probably the most money orientated person I have ever come asross ?
We all know more about your finances and business success and that you have a nearly new van and can afford this that and the other ! I along with many others do not care how much money anyone has or does not have but please do not insult others as having an obsession seems to be your exclusive territory .
But on the bright side we do love you as man you are good value !

I'm sorry, what has money got to do with anything in this thread? And why am I money-oriented? I dropped my salary enormously by going part-time some years ago as I decided that having more time off was more important than money! Anyway, I'm sorry if it annoys and offends you that I'm moderately well-off and can afford to buy a new motorhome. You do seem to bang on about it a lot!

And yes, I can see that sports fans wish their team to win, but someone who wants a tennis player to lose, just because he doesn't like him (that's you by the way) is in my opinion, mean-spirited, vindictive and pretty hateful.

Just to remind people, this is one of your venomous comments in this thread: 'The funny thing is that the other 3 top players have always said that Murray will win a major one day so maybe this is his chance ? I just hope not'

Why do you hope that Murray will never win a Grand Slam? What is it in your make-up that makes you come out with nasty comments like that?
And yes, I can see that sports fans wish their team to win, but someone who wants a tennis player to lose, just because he doesn't like him is in my opinion, mean-spirited, vindictive and pretty hateful.

You still are not getting it are you?

Why do I support any football team that is playing against Germany?
Why does basildog want whoever is playing Murray to win?
Why did some people always cheer on Muhamet Ali even when he was boxing a Brit?
Why, why, why?

Its a GAME and despite all the above, I am happy to sit, chat and drink with German supporters and, no doubt, basildog would be happy to do the same with Murray supporters etc etc.
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I agree, far too much emphasis has been placed by some posters on how much money someone makes.

Who cares whether anyone on this forum has made millions by the time they were 25? I'd far rather mix with kind and interesting people; whether they have money or not is irrelevant.

In fact some people who have made the most money of all have turned out to be the biggest crooks and nastiest people of all. People who packaged up bad debt as safe return bonds and prompted the financial crisis, or traders who fiddled the LIBOR rate at Barclays.

When was I nasty to anyone ?

Dezi :pc:
Why do I support any football team that is playing against Germany?
Why does basildog want whoever is playing Murray to win?

Because you're small minded, petty and mean-spirited! I thought that was pretty obvious!
OK basildog - this one's a waste of time, let's go talk to somebody else :lol-053:
Originally Posted by John H
"Why do I support any football team that is playing against Germany?
Why does basildog want whoever is playing Murray to win?"

Northener replied
"Because you're small minded, petty and mean-spirited! I thought that was pretty obvious!

Thank you Northener. You have converted me to such an extent that I shall cheer on Man City on the first game of the new season :scared:

That will earn me everlasting respect .... Or a rather fat lip:rolleyes2:
I am happy to say I couldn't care less , Tennis what a boring waste of time.:scared::scared:
I am happy to say I couldn't care less , Tennis what a boring waste of time.:scared::scared:
Yikes!!! You can't say that! You might upset somebody ... Somewhere. Tch! Think on young man:mad1:
I started this thread cos it was how i felt, wishing Andy all the best, what I don't get is.......... if you don't support him, why comment? as you have seen from other posts, i don't always agree with Northerner, but I do on this one, it would be a very boring world if we all liked, supported whatever you wanna call it, the same people, but if you don't share the same support, keep ya bloody gobs shut, for god sake,
I started this thread cos it was how i felt, wishing Andy all the best, what I don't get is.......... if you don't support him, why comment?

Well why not ,I commented because this is how I felt, if you make a post surely you expect comments both pro and con ?
I started this thread cos it was how i felt, wishing Andy all the best, what I don't get is.......... if you don't support him, why comment?

Well why not ,I commented because this is how I felt, if you make a post surely you expect comments both pro and con ?

Yes I do, but not the nit picking personal attacks, i agree with your comments also, some of the comments are inappropriate,

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