Murray don't look if you don't want to know

Murray's Scottish until he looses,then he's still Scottish! Why all the fuss,he came second! There's no mention of the English man that won the doubles :banana:
Murray's Scottish until he looses,then he's still Scottish! Why all the fuss,he came second! There's no mention of the English man that won the doubles :banana:

yes, your right, and he's form Sheffield, hee hee
Murray's Scottish until he looses,then he's still Scottish! Why all the fuss,he came second! There's no mention of the English man that won the doubles :banana:

There may have been 'no mention of the English man that won the doubles' on your planet but here on Earth Johnny Marray (that's his name by the way) was on the front page of every newspaper and the lead item on every news programme.

And why all the fuss? Someone from Britain has just come second at Wimbledon, and is probably now the second- or third-best tennis player in the whole world. Don't you think that's an achievement? Or are you like a few others on this forum who are only capable of miserable, hostile and downright vindictive comments to a man who has just achieved something a hundred times greater than any member on here?

I'm really beginning to despair and to wonder what it is that makes people so hateful and so full of envy and spite that all they can do is carp and even gloat because he came second in the most important tennis tournament in the world.

Well done Andy Murray. I don't care if you're Scottish or English or Welsh. You're from Britain and you've done something very special.
Never have I seen such pontification about a subject you obviously know so little about .
Murray will be ranked fourth in the world and I think the main reason people do not like him is his attitude which may now have improved slightly but to be honest is probably too little too late .
At his age now his chances of joining the other top 3 as slam winners are pretty slim now . 28 of the last 29 slams won by just 3 of them !
As for stating his achievements are a hundred times better that anyone on here that is just a ridiculous statement towards people you know absolutely nothing about . Maybe you are in awe or celebrities but I think you will find many on this forum really could not give a stuff.
Haha. Now THAT is funny. Fair made my day it has:dance:
Forty - Love............................................ new balls please! :lol-053:
Never have I seen such pontification about a subject you obviously know so little about .
Murray will be ranked fourth in the world and I think the main reason people do not like him is his attitude which may now have improved slightly but to be honest is probably too little too late .
At his age now his chances of joining the other top 3 as slam winners are pretty slim now . 28 of the last 29 slams won by just 3 of them !
As for stating his achievements are a hundred times better that anyone on here that is just a ridiculous statement towards people you know absolutely nothing about . Maybe you are in awe or celebrities but I think you will find many on this forum really could not give a stuff.

Typical of you to pick up on one irrelevant part of my post! Whether Murray's ranking improves or not because of his success at reaching the finals matters not a jot. What I was complaining about was the nasty, vicious and hateful attitude of a few people on here who can't acknowledge when someone has achieved something special. All they can do is carp and moan and seem unable to bring themselves to acknowledge what becoming runner-up at Wimbledon means. The first Briton to do this in decades, the finest tennis player in the country in decades and all you lot can do is belittle and denigrate him.

As for not knowing what members of this forum have achieved, perhaps you can tell me one member here who is number four in the whole world at his chosen sport? Perhaps you can tell me one member on here who is now a sought-after name by advertisers and sponsors and has become a multi-millionaire by the time he is 25? And that is at the root of most of the whinging, pure and simple jealousy by people who will never achieve a fraction of what Andy Murray has achieved.

Finally, what is it that makes so many of you like this? What is it that makes so many of you unable to enjoy someone else's success? What is that makes so many of you make Victor Meldrew look like a kind, happy and genial old chap? I am genuinely beginning to feel very sorry for a few people who have become so bitter and whose experiences in life has made them like this. It really is very sad when people cannot take pleasure in another person's success, and reaching the finals at Wimbledon is a huge success in the minds of any decent and sensible person who isn't blinded by hate and envy.
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What is it that makes so many of you unable to enjoy someone else's success?

I have not seen one post on this or any other forum which would enable you to justify that statement. You are a great one for wanting proof - well, where is the proof of your claim? What you seem to be saying is that because several people don't wish to support this particualr individual then they are somehow wrong. There are more views in the world than yours, Northerner - I'm afraid you'll just have to live with it.

Btw, while Murray leaves me largely unmoved (except when he showed his emotions at the end) I WAS very pleased to see Bradley Wiggins in yellow at Le Tour. Is that allowed in your world?
I have not seen one post on this or any other forum which would enable you to justify that statement. You are a great one for wanting proof - well, where is the proof of your claim? What you seem to be saying is that because several people don't wish to support this particualr individual then they are somehow wrong. There are more views in the world than yours, Northerner - I'm afraid you'll just have to live with it.

Btw, while Murray leaves me largely unmoved (except when he showed his emotions at the end) I WAS very pleased to see Bradley Wiggins in yellow at Le Tour. Is that allowed in your world?

'On the British thing, the lad is a Scot for whom I quite like, however his anti English slips...induce a feeling within I hope he loses, and hopefully by a country mile' Channa

'I cannot stand the bloke . I watch well more follow the Tennis all year round not just the Wimbledon fortnight like most Brits and he just behaves like a spoilt kid .' Basildog

'The funny thing is that the other 3 top players have always said that Murray will win a major one day so maybe this is his chance ? I just hope not' Basildog
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'On the British thing, the lad is a Scot for whom I quite like, however his anti English slips...induce a feeling within I hope he loses, and hopefully by a country mile

'I cannot stand the bloke . I watch well more follow the Tennis all year round not just the Wimbledon fortnight like most Brits and he just behaves like a spoilt kid . Basildog'

....and you conclude from this that the posters are "unable to enjoy someone else's success"? I have news for you, Northerner, not liking one particular individual does not make people incapable of enjoying the success of others!
In my book deliberately hoping that someone will lose goes beyond not liking them! In my book it shows a hateful and vindictive attitude. I'm not over fond of Federer's personality but I'm thrilled for his seventh Wimbledon title and would never have deliberately hoped that he'd lose, especially by 'a country mile'. We obviously have different values.
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I my book deliberately hoping that someone will lose goes beyond not liking them! In my book it shows a hateful and vindictive attitude. I'm not over fond of Federer's personality but I'm thrilled for his seventh Wimbledon title and would never have deliberately hoped that he'd lose, especially by 'a country mile'. We obviously have different values.

I said in an earlier post that you are your own worst enemy - and your problem here is that you have been too ready to make general conclusions about people's attitudes on the basis of their views (justified or not) on one individual. A lot of the opposition you have stirred up on other subjects stems from the same rash conclusion.
This thread is unfortunately going the same way as so many other due to the foolishness of one or two individuals.

In light of this I searched the internet for a solution, & found this.

May I gently suggest that they apply for the post. Move on & leave the rest of us in peace.


Dezi :pc:
I conclude that we are all supposed to be in awe of celebrity status now afforded to sportsmen and women ?
I along with many others find it a very strange world where a man that plays with a fluffy ball is held in higher esteem by the masses than many people who perform miracles in their everyday lives !
I am not interested in how much money Murray or any other person has made and at what age !
I have worked for people who would make Murray look like a pauper and some are nice people whilst others are not .
We do live in a crazy mixed up world that is for sure !

I agree, far too much emphasis has been placed by some posters on how much money someone makes.

Who cares whether anyone on this forum has made millions by the time they were 25? I'd far rather mix with kind and interesting people; whether they have money or not is irrelevant.

In fact some people who have made the most money of all have turned out to be the biggest crooks and nastiest people of all. People who packaged up bad debt as safe return bonds and prompted the financial crisis, or traders who fiddled the LIBOR rate at Barclays.
I conclude that we are all supposed to be in awe of celebrity status now afforded to sportsmen and women ?
I along with many others find it a very strange world where a man that plays with a fluffy ball is held in higher esteem by the masses than many people who perform miracles in their everyday lives !
I am not interested in how much money Murray or any other person has made and at what age !
I have worked for people who would make Murray look like a pauper and some are nice people whilst others are not .
We do live in a crazy mixed up world that is for sure !

As usual you are incapable or unwilling to understand what is actually being talked about here. It's not about awe or esteem. It's about mean-spirited and hateful individuals who would wish harm on others by hoping that they will lose something which is very dear to them. I will never understand what motivates people such as this. Envy, bitterness or just plain unpleasant malice? Take your pick folks.

Not liking Murray is one thing, but to actually hope that he loses just because he's not your favourite player is despicable. But why I am I not surprised?
Man is a tribal animal and in the modern world, sport is one of the main ways we express that tribal belonging. We all do it to some degree or other (whether in sport or in any other forum) and for the most part there is nothing wrong with it - at least most of us don't want to kill the opposing team's supporters and many of us are happy to drink with them afterwards! The "my king is better than your king" stuff is all part of the game - but it is important to remember that it is a game. Those who take it personally ought to examine their motives. As an aside, I shouldn't think that Murray is at all concerned whether Mr Bloggs from Spalding supports him or not - he is playing for himself (and possibly his tribe!). ;)
Well done Andy Murray. I don't care if you're Scottish or English or Welsh. You're from Britain and you've done something very special.

I agree - and would have included Irish in your list :) What a rare treat to have a Brit in the final of Wimbledon. Even better that we had a winner in the men's doubles - yay! :) Personally, I don't hold with the Scottish/English thing, so that's wasted on me. When Murray was overcome at the end of the match he didn't just thank the Scottish supporters did he? Anyway...

Every year in Wimbledon and in any major international tournament, there comes a point where all the home-grown talent has been eliminated and I then choose someone else to root for in the competition... because having someone to cheer on is half the fun of sport - isn't it? Well that's how I see it. Over the decades, I've cheered for great sports men and women from all over the world because no-one from the UK has made it through, so I choose a favourite of another nationality. You can tell I'm not particularly partisan but I do have to have someone to cheer for or I lose interest... witness most footie matches and the boat race every year that just I can't get excited about, mainly because I don't have the first idea why I should choose Oxford over Cambridge or vice versa - I don't even have a favourite shade of blue :lol-053:

This year it was extraordinary to have two Brits in Wimbledon finals and I thoroughly enjoyed every agonising minute :wacko:

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