Muck in diesel tank

Put a magnet on the tank? This is an urban myth surly! Like the old one about the Arabs buying all the patents to the formulas that turn water into fuel, but under the present climate expect a rash of other such claims!
Myth maybe but like all myths are rooted in fact. The magnet has an effect on the diesel bug which is the cause of the jelly like substance. Just google diesel bug for more info. As for running a car on water it is not a stupid as it sounds either see here.
I was running it on a 50% cooking oil mix (new oil) it ran with no problem on warm days. Hard to start when cold, loads of white smoke and would not tick over until the engine was warm.

I'd be a bit wary about dropping the "real" diesel that low, the diesel fuel acts as a lubricant in the pump, so you may end up doing a bit of damage to the seals and pistons in the older injection pumps. Bio diesel can go off quite quickly if allowed to settle, neat veg oil probably does the same thing as it gets heated and returned to the tank a few times before getting into the engine and burnt.

Did some research on the black jelly and it would appear to be a diesel bug. I have purchased a fuel additive from a boat dealer, it attacks the bug and breaks it down so it will pass through the filters. Will put it in today and check the sediment trap in a few days.

Service stations with above ground tanks are more susceptable (SP?) to algal growth as the fuel temperature can go up and down by a few degrees each day. Also if the fuel sits around for a long time, even in underground tanks, can increase the risk of growths. Look for a few diesel pumps on the forecourt with lorries taking on 500 litres and you will know the fuel is good and fresh.
Myth maybe but like all myths are rooted in fact. The magnet has an effect on the diesel bug which is the cause of the jelly like substance. Just google diesel bug for more info. As for running a car on water it is not a stupid as it sounds either see here.

seen this idea on tv many moons ago a persentage of water was injected as a mist in the same manner as diesel injectors ,
it makes sence
as most engines seem to run better in damp weather
unfortunatly most proven fuel saving ideas have been bought up by the fuel companys and shelved

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