Auld Pharrrt
My personal solution to partial fill-ups is to hold onto the receipt until my next complete fill-up and enter both together (my ss calculates the price per litre from the total cost/the amount put in the tank) ... I haven't looked at your ss in detail, but mine is very basic watch on MPG only.
I learned that excel is quite easy to work with because I used to do quite a lot of BASIC programming ... I have little (or no) use for it these days, but I used to enjoy using my spare time in a transport office reading the formulae and learning from there ... on several occasions I improved the original and this led me to a project to work out a method of "checking the figures" that was always done on paper (the number of chickens being collected from various sheds within various farms by various teams and everything had to be tallied to the individual bird numbers,) most of the others said it couldn't be done in a ss.
It did take me a while to get it working exactly right and even then I would double check it on paper, but once it proved reliable it was the biggest and best time saver in that office ... also avoided a number of common mistakes.
Doing the job on paper usually took at least 15 minutes (assuming no-one interrupted you) and often led to a great deal of head scratching and double/triple checking several other ss's when an error was noted. The ss calculated everything within seconds and would display exactly where any errors were by means of different coloured highlighting.
My wee ss got used for years after I left the office and was only dropped from daily use when they upgraded some things but no-one else could figure out how to edit my ss to suit.
Petty, I know, but one of my proudest achievements.
I learned that excel is quite easy to work with because I used to do quite a lot of BASIC programming ... I have little (or no) use for it these days, but I used to enjoy using my spare time in a transport office reading the formulae and learning from there ... on several occasions I improved the original and this led me to a project to work out a method of "checking the figures" that was always done on paper (the number of chickens being collected from various sheds within various farms by various teams and everything had to be tallied to the individual bird numbers,) most of the others said it couldn't be done in a ss.
It did take me a while to get it working exactly right and even then I would double check it on paper, but once it proved reliable it was the biggest and best time saver in that office ... also avoided a number of common mistakes.
Doing the job on paper usually took at least 15 minutes (assuming no-one interrupted you) and often led to a great deal of head scratching and double/triple checking several other ss's when an error was noted. The ss calculated everything within seconds and would display exactly where any errors were by means of different coloured highlighting.
My wee ss got used for years after I left the office and was only dropped from daily use when they upgraded some things but no-one else could figure out how to edit my ss to suit.
Petty, I know, but one of my proudest achievements.