Motorhome news, Scottish tourist tax, marquis fire, dodgy dealers, etc.

Tourist tax is charged in many parts of the world.
In Florida now you don’t only pay the tax on your hotel bill, if you do one of the airboat tours in the in the Everglades, or simply drive there, you pay a $30 tourist tax. Quite frankly I think they are extracting urine, plain and simple. Come to Scotland, help our economy, and we will tax you for the privilege. But England will follow suit, there’s already talk of being charged to enter London, and the Lake District, and the Welsh government are looking into it.

I wouldn't pay a tourist tax anywhere Bill, as you say being taxed for helping the economy.

The masses are being shafted left, right, and centre at the moment be it fuel, utilities, by the Supermarkets, road tolls etc. etc. whilst the ultra rich and powerful take the cream.

Luckily for me I am more than happy to take my holidays in England and wild camp in Scotland where there are ample wilding spots and I have a few permissions and so would avoid such a tax.

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