Motorhome insurance

I think I will be renewing with Comfort, I sent an enquiry to NFU for a quote but the local agent hasn't bothered as yet to return the enquiry.
I renewed with AIB recently after much discussion and negotiation. I ended up paying about a third more than last year.

I found it quite difficult this year with insurers bringing in conditions never raised before. A lot are insisting on a tracker but I will be in Spain at the renewal date. Some wouldn’t even quote because I’m in Spain on the renewal date. And some won’t allow me to use the storage facility we’ve used for almost 10 years.

All our insurances have gone up considerably this year, and I think if you can get less than a 50% increase on last year, that’s about the best we can hope for.
If u use a VPN you can choose which country you are "in" so if in Spain you can make it look like u are in UK or a number of other countries at your choosing to fool ferry firms and anyone else you choose.
Anyone received good renewal quotes I'm getting crazy quotes
I just renewed at a cost of £422.
Last year, it was £327 and I thought that was really steep.
Most of the premiums were the wrong side of £850 this year.