motorhome insurance

brian the man

hi my m/home is due for renewal, and been with the same company for v4 years and never put a claim in it just still keeps going up and up, so can anyone tell me a good cheap m/home insurance company for the over 50s, or any cheap one. thank you.
thank you

hi just been on web on insurance choice ,but never came up with qoute so ringing them t/morrow thanks anyway. keep living the dream.:(
We got a really good deal with camping and caravan club:goodluck:
try safeguard?.....I've been with them for 3 years, 4th year due next month and they have offered me a loyalty discount,15%...and another 5% if i fit a tracker.
maybe you'd get a 'loyalty' with your current insurers? worth asking them, eh?
if you just want cheap insurance .try coop .they can be very good .but not if you want long times abroad or morocco. but they can be cheap.
i liked saga they gave a good motor home extras on their policy .but dont do 5ers or i might have been with them still.
Try sureterm they are at Huntingdon I went from a 19 foot
motorhome to a 25 foot and my insurance actually went down
so that's worth a try sureterm direct there phone number is
0845 20 20 230
We have been with Safeguard for eleven years and, despite regularly searching around every year, they have consistently offered the best value. The first year, our premium was just over £300 and in the eleventh year, with a bigger and more expensive van, the premium was £307 - so I can't argue about inflation! It depends what you want and you may find cheaper but Safeguard give us 12 months cover for Europe with full breakdown recovery and a discount for using a recognised storage facility (from some recent threads, others charge you more for storage than parking on your own drive).

:have fun::heart::have fun:
try safeguard?.....I've been with them for 3 years, 4th year due next month and they have offered me a loyalty discount,15%...and another 5% if i fit a tracker.
maybe you'd get a 'loyalty' with your current insurers? worth asking them, eh?

thanks just got a qoute £245 fully comp is that good???

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