Motorcycle Helmet Visors

So sorry but i have to say,that helmet looks really gay.Gays where helmets like that and i am sure someone will come soon to point you in the right direction.Im sure Aj has a masculine helmet for toughs.;):)

Well they might look gay if I was on a Gay Harley or Pink hot rod truck thing parked outside the Blue Oyster bar.
Looks fine to me but ill reserve judgement to see if Coolasuckoff confirms if its gay or not.

No thats a really nice helmet,it meets with my masculinity test,id recomend that one barry,it gets the thumbs up from me.:)
I told you AJ would find you a goodun

P.s And by the way the truck was purple not pink:p:p
No thats a really nice helmet,it meets with my masculinity test,id recomend that one barry,it gets the thumbs up from me.:)
I told you AJ would find you a goodun

P.s And by the way the truck was purple not pink:p:p

Great thanks! Thats Mrs D's Christmas Present sorted then. I am sure she will be delighted to be presented with a Helmet on Christmas Morning! (que Finbar Saunders Oh er missus, finarr ilk ilk!)
VIZ ,do they still do that magazine,absolutley quality!:D

i used to love the problems and hints and tips pages!!:D:D

WHY DO old people insist on referring to World War I as 'The Great War'? Surely World War II with its higher death toll and use of atomic weapons was loads better.
G. Delaney, London

WHY DO farmers always put their gates right next to the muddiest parts of the field?
Neil Bye, e-mail

IS ANYBODY else sick and tired of all these new fangled crisp flavours that seem to be springing up all over the place? Who in their right mind would want to eat crisps which purport to taste of Thai Sweet Chilli or Apple and Herb? I for one shall be sticking to the big three: cheese 'n onion, ready salted and salt 'n 'vinegar, thank you very much!

IN A RECENT interview, Pamela Anderson expressed her shock at having her 'honeymoon video' stolen, and admits she has never seen it herself. Well if she wants to get in touch, she can borrow my copy, just as soon as all my mates have finished watching it.
John Pala, Darlington

UNFORTUNATELY Europe's only circus school is just a unicycle ride from our local. As a result crusty, white, middle-class twats constantly turn up at the bar to demonstrate their fire juggling ability (or lack of it) and their 'clown skills'.. I've got nothing against kids with dreadlocks and public schools accents running away from their rich mummies and daddies to join the circus school. But can they please keep the **** out of The Bricklayers Arms in Charlotte Road, London EC4? Thank you.
Loz and Jenna, London

LAST YEAR I was at an auction in Wisbech while the BBC were filming an episode of Bargain Hunt. However, when it came on the telly last month I was disappointed to see that they didn't show the box of porn that sparked a bidding frenzy and went for a handsome �250. Even Dickinson put in a couple of cheeky bids for the 'box of delights'.

PSYCHOLOGISTS tell us that it is practically unheard of for stalkers to attack the objects of their obsession. This must be some comfort to the 50% of The Beatles who haven't been shot or stabbed.
J. Van der Lande, Den Haag

WIVES NO longer feel any sense of duty to their husbands. When they take their marriage vows they promise to honour and obey you. But the moment you ask them to do a simple favour, like bring you a cake with a gun in it, they hand your letter to the prison authorities.
P. Hammond-Organ, High security 'E' wing, HMP Durham

EVERY TIME I check my answer machine messages, there's always one from Professor Steven Hawking, informing me of the time and day that he called. No offence to Mr Hawking, but I feel his messages are a waste of tape space. He should get back to solving the mysteries of the universe and leave me alone.

THESE SPEED cameras are a complete con. Not only do they take about five weeks, but they cost �75 a throw.
B. Badger, Ford

WHAT A lot of nonsense this tantric sex is. So Sting can delay his climax for seven hours. That's nothing. I've been banging my missus for forty years and she's not had an orgasm yet.
P Collins, Colchester

A POSTER in my doctors surgery concerning wife beating read 'Don't suffer in Silence'. Well, whenever I punch my missus on the jaw she screams like a ****ing banshee. It makes me wonder if doctors know what they're talking about half the time.

IF RYAN Giggs grew a 'Hitler' type tash he'd look like that bloke on the piano out of seventies group Sparks.
Jill W, Manchester

WOMEN SECRETARIES have no sense of loyalty to their employers. They're happy to cash their pay cheques, drink your coffee and use your phone, but the minute you try giving them a quick Christmas bonus behind the filing cabinet they go straight to the police.
P. Hammond-Organ, HMP Parkhurst, IOW

I NEEDED to move a wardrobe last week and telephoned a van hire company to ask the cost. I was staggered when I was told it would be �8000. How I laughed when I realised I had misdialled, and by complete coincidence had rung Van Morrison's agent. Do I win �10?

YOU OFTEN see signs outside churches telling us that 'Jesus Lives'. But these religious folk are always carping on about how he died on the cross for all our sins. Dying isn't much of a sacrifice if you're planning on coming back again five minutes later.. Come on, God botherers. You can't have it both ways. make up your minds. Is he dead or is he alive?
Mr S. Turd, Corbridge

IN HOLLAND Park the other day I passed the headquarters of the Esperanto Society - who campaign for the world-wide adoption of their own universal language. However, I couldn't help wondering what language they would use to shout out of the window if the building caught fire. I somehow think that "Assisti! Assisti! Propra domo est je fajr," would not be the first phrase that sprang to their big fat hypocritical lips.
S. Dennis, Clifton

ALL ROADS lead to Rome, or so they say. Not the A57. I drove along it the other day and ended up in Worksop.
Chas Newman, Sheffield

SO THE EU is clamping down on Suicidal Syds by ruling that no more that 16 paracetamols can be bought at one time. the next thing you know, they'll be ruling that rope can only be bought in 1 metre lengths.
G. Lewis, Abadare

THE MAGNIFICANT spectacle of fox hunting need not be lost if the government decides to outlaw hunting. The dogs could quite easily be trained to hunt a pillow case full of sausages instead. When they eventually track down their quarry, they could rip it open and eat the sausages. The huntsmen could join in, cooking some of the sausages on a small, portable barbecue. And instead of blood, children hunting for the first time could have their faces smeared with mustard.
U. Bulgaria, Wimbledon

WE ALL saw the Queen Mum enjoying her 100th birthday, but let's not forget the many other centegenarians who have celebrated their happy day. Here's one having a whale of a time recently in Cleveland.

THIS HARRY Potter film is all well and good, but I can't help thinking it's all a bit far fetched. I mean, how many schools do you know where there's a ginger kid with two mates?
Tim Woods, e-mail

I DON'T know why Heather Mills is so concerned about land mines. She's only half as much at risk from them as everybody else.
J. Jordan, Leeds

OPPONENTS of fox hunting foolishly suggest that drag hunting would be an adequate replacement for our sport. Well I for one would take no pleasure from hunting foxes dressed in women's clothing.

I WOULD just like to say what a load of bollocks these hygiene laws are. I have been a baker for nearly 12 years now, and not once have I washed my hands after having a ****. So far, no one has complained.
F. U. Bowen, Essex

AS I WALKED into the kitchen this morning I was horrified to find my elderly mother haemorrhaging from the mouth, coughing up pus into a bowl and screaming uncontrollably. Imagine my relief when I spotted a cherry amongst the sticky mess, and realised she was only eating a trifle, and shrieking with delight.
J.F. Taylor, Bury

I HAVE to complain at the way the English language is being hijacked by all and sundry. In my youth, gay meant happy. Now it's solely used to describe the activity of a buggerist. Let's say it how it is.

PEOPLE say that every dog has its day. How right they are. We got a dog for Christmas, got bored with it and had it put down on Boxing Day.
And of course the classic

"I think Lucozade should be called Loo-cozade cos it tastes like Piss"

In the VW days of "the boys" camping trips Viz was compulsory reading especially when one was off ones t1ts!

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