MOT.... That dreaded day!!!


Yep... Today our 89 Autosleeper Legend is due it's 1st MOT under our ownership. I have been nervously awaiting this day since we bought the old girl off her previous owners last October.
Although I did a thorough inspection before purchase and the previous owner had apparently been pretty meticulous in his 12 year ownership I didn't have her professionally inspected. The pessimist in me is wondering whether I bought a turkey that is about to be given a terminal prognosis.
We have spent a small fortune bringing her up to date with a new interior etc and have already enjoyed plenty of adventures in her as our first motorhome.
Everyone keep your fingers crossed that she gets through relatively unscathed....I'll keep you updated

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Hope that it goes well. Age is no problem if it's been well maintained, this month I've had three vehicles with a combined age of 60 years pass with no problem.
If you haven't done it already, then checking the MOT
history is always worthwhile, even now post purchase.
Thanks peeps.. Yeah I'd checked previous history before I purchased and all previous advisories had been addressed.
The owners son was also his mechanic and had kept on top of it without penny pinching. Hopefully the simplicity of a transit will mean there's less to go wrongand will be relatively cheap if it does..

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My car sailed through last week and after two new tyres on Maggy's car that passed yesterday, only the van to go now and I am doing that next week, we have owned these vehicles for some time though so we know them well and not expecting anything to worry about.
Good luck with yours, it is worrying the first time:dog:
I have one of the new style MOT certificates thanks to the DVLA losing my original old style one from the 3rd April :mad2:

I rang up the MOT station where i`d had it done and they just laughed, said it happens regular and to pop in and they issue / print a new one for me :dance:
Couple years back I was about to fail due to having left
the motorbike rack on with lightboard, one of the lightboard bulbs
refused to illuminate. Had to pull the rack off quick and stash it, not
made to go in the van, and it's heavy! Lesson learned.
As expected it was one of the 7 pin connector contacts, notorious
well known issue, responsible for most of those dodgy trailer &
caravan lights you see (or don't see!) most days.
Good news and bad news.... It failed on a number of things... None too serious. Osf tyre, Emissions, and a knuckle joint on the steering.

The emissions will be sorted with a service. The tyre is easy to replace.

Unfortunately they are having trouble tracking down the knuckle joint. As long as it is done before we set off for Scotland at the end of the month then I am happy with that.

So it's not a pile of junk and he confirmed that is in pretty good condition for her age.

Panic over.... Well it will be when it has a pass....[emoji27]

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Good news and bad news.... It failed on a number of things... None too serious. Osf tyre, Emissions, and a knuckle joint on the steering.

The emissions will be sorted with a service. The tyre is easy to replace.

Unfortunately they are having trouble tracking down the knuckle joint. As long as it is done before we set off for Scotland at the end of the month then I am happy with that.

So it's not a pile of junk and he confirmed that is in pretty good condition for her age.

Panic over.... Well it will be when it has a pass....[emoji27]

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Nothing over painful, so hopefully let loose soon. I need to get the bike doing I have an irrational dislike of MOTS probably worked with too many leg lifting service managers

Get it put to bed and another 12 months to make nuisances of ourselves !

Glad it isn't that bad

That’s good news then overall considering your worst fears this morning, a few £££ lighter but it will be through without major work needed.
Good news and bad news part 2....

They've found a knuckle joint... All work now done.went on to be retested and failed on emissions again. They assure me it should be ready for collecting tomorrow morning.

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Yeah...with mine they had to tweak it so it was virtually undriveable to pass emissions and then adjust it back after the test... They have suggested changing the carb to help emissions next year... .may also improve pulling power a little on hills...
The main thing is I have my van back now. Pocket a lot lighter but we get to go to scotland next weekend so all is good.

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Yeah...with mine they had to tweak it so it was virtually undriveable to pass emissions and then adjust it back after the test... They have suggested changing the carb to help emissions next year... .may also improve pulling power a little on hills...
The main thing is I have my van back now. Pocket a lot lighter but we get to go to scotland next weekend so all is good.

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is it diesel or petrol?

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