Just some musings on "most efficient fridge on the planet" question ...
What does efficient mean? most efficient in terms of energy? space? weight? cost?
Take the example of Colin Campervan, who has got a basic setup a lot like many people. E.G. A gas stove to cook on (so he has LPG on board and plumbed in); a Leisure
Battery to run his lights, TV, what-have-you; and he has a
Solar Panel as he likes to go wild camping.
Pretty standard stuff nowadays? Of course not everyone has
solar, and not everyone has gas (I don't) - but most nowadays do I think we could hopefully agree on?
Now what Colin Campervan is wondering is does he go 3-Way Absorption Fridge, or Compressor Fridge in his brand new campervan?
What is the TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) of each?
Need to consider:
- Initial Cost of Purchase and Installation
- Annual Maintenance Costs
- Annual Running Costs
- Lifetime of Fridge
Initial Cost of Purchase and Installation
You can support a Compressor Fridge running with a basic 100Ah
Battery and 100W
Solar Panel for the significant majority of the year when you also consider the batteries will get charged from the alternator as well on a fairly frequent basis. To add a
100Ah Battery and 100W Solar to an existing install will cost around £250 with all parts needed
The Absorption Fridge just needs more gas, so no extra energy storage infrastructure to add in there.
Fridge Prices are whatever they are, but I think 3-Way Absorption Fridges and 12V Compressor Fridges are fairly comparable in price.
A 12V Compressor Fridge is very easy to install, so a DIY job or cheap from a Fitter. The
Battery Install and
Solar Addition may need to be farmed out depending on circumstances.
An 3-Way Fridge is much more complex and likely a third-party install.
Let's assume the 3-Way Fridge install will cost the same as getting the 12V Compressor Fridge plus
Battery and
Solar Upgrade installed.
So - Right now, I am seeing the cost of a 3-Way Fridge Installation and energy store made available (pipe from tank plumbed to fridge) to be the same as a 12V Compressor Fridge and energy store made available (
Battery and
Solar upgrade installed)
So currently, assuming Fridges costs same to buy and the same to install (as described above),
a Compresser Fridge has an initial extra outlay of £250
Annual Maintenance Costs
A Compressor Fridge requires no maintenance. If we assume the Leisure
Battery will last up to the warranty period of say 5 years, then spread the replacement cost (£125) per year and the Compressor Fridge costs £25 a year to 'service'.
Solar Panels last 20+ years and will likely outlive the van and maybe the owner! so ignore the replacment costs
A 3-Way Fridge should be serviced every year. Maybe £75 a year? (just guessing at a hours rate from a commercial motorhome dealer with parts)
So if you work on a 5-year basis, the 12V Compressor Fridge will have cost you £125 in Maintenance (a new
battery); while a 3-Way Fridge will have cost you £375 in servicing, so
the 3-Way compressor fridge will have incurred an extra service outlay of £250
Annual Running Costs
12V Compressor Fridge will cost nothing to run.
A 3-way Absorption Fridge will cost you the gas - around 0.2L a day? so around £1 a week?
Lifetime of Fridge
Probably the same, so going to make this a draw.
Conclusion - if my numbers are right ....
The only difference
cost wise over a 5 year period between the two is the running costs, and the Compressor Fridge wins by around £1 a week, so not a major difference in truth.
Obviously lots of assumptions and this is very much rule of thumb.
Other Factors:
weight: - extra
battery and
solar panel - maybe 30Kg
space: - equal to a
'Green' Factor: -
solar recharging much more eco than fossil fuel burning
Install: - ugly vents in side of vehicle for gas Fridge
Usability: - Compressor Fridge just works; 3-Way needs switching over to different supplies = more hassles
FWIW, my OWN solution: Compressor Fridge, but actually a 230V AC one with an
Inverter. As energy efficient as a 12V Compressor Fridge even with
Inverter included.
Cost of 230V A++ rated Compressor Fridge +
Inverter + 110Ah
battery + 100W
Solar Panel = £500, so LESS than either a 12V Compressor Fridge on its own or a 3-Way Absorption Fridge BEFORE their installation and extra costs described above are considered, and zero running costs (been on since last October near enough non-stop)