..... thought that might get your attention !
Hi Campers !
I really want a 12 volt compressor fridge with low power consumption.
Waeco do some cracking ones ..... if you want to spend six hundred squid ( or more ! ).
I've been doing lots of research on this topic recently.
You can quite easily turn a chest freezer ( an old one will do ) into a fridge with some very basic wiring changes
..... low voltage wiring as well , no need to mess with the mains supply.
I Googled " Convert a freezer to a fridge " and also did the same on YouTube.
There are some very good articles around ,and also about using fridges with solar power ....
click these links for more info :-
Solar-powered refrigerators by Jeffrey Yago, P.E., CEM Issue #102
Chest Freezer To Fridge Conversion-The Most Energy Efficient Fridge Ever | A Self Sufficient Life
Chest fridge
The big advantages appear to be that freezers are much better insulated than fridges , so the compressor is
running for much less time in any 24 hour period ... ( compressor OFF = ZERO power consumption ).
... AND ... with a "chest-fridge" ,all your cold air doesn't come pouring out everytime you open the door.
As far as I can see , the only real disadvantage is that you might get damp build-up in the bottom of it.
Have any Wildcampers out there actually tried this ?
What about with 12 volt freezers ( do such things actually exist ? ).
Please post a reply if you've had any experiences with this idea .
Hi Campers !
I really want a 12 volt compressor fridge with low power consumption.
Waeco do some cracking ones ..... if you want to spend six hundred squid ( or more ! ).
I've been doing lots of research on this topic recently.
You can quite easily turn a chest freezer ( an old one will do ) into a fridge with some very basic wiring changes
..... low voltage wiring as well , no need to mess with the mains supply.
I Googled " Convert a freezer to a fridge " and also did the same on YouTube.
There are some very good articles around ,and also about using fridges with solar power ....
click these links for more info :-
Solar-powered refrigerators by Jeffrey Yago, P.E., CEM Issue #102
Chest Freezer To Fridge Conversion-The Most Energy Efficient Fridge Ever | A Self Sufficient Life
Chest fridge
The big advantages appear to be that freezers are much better insulated than fridges , so the compressor is
running for much less time in any 24 hour period ... ( compressor OFF = ZERO power consumption ).
... AND ... with a "chest-fridge" ,all your cold air doesn't come pouring out everytime you open the door.
As far as I can see , the only real disadvantage is that you might get damp build-up in the bottom of it.
Have any Wildcampers out there actually tried this ?
What about with 12 volt freezers ( do such things actually exist ? ).
Please post a reply if you've had any experiences with this idea .