Mobile internet

I took out a contract with 3, it hasn't let me down yet, very easy and simple to setup.


I've had a contract with 3 for nearly 12 months now and have had hardly any problems think there was only once i could'nt get a signal and i have done a lot of travelling about with it
seems as if i will give 3 a go, it will be a few weeks untill i need one but it is looking the best one .
I've also got a 3 PAYG dongle thingy and it works pretty well. Rather than plugging the stick into the computer, I use a 3 foot USB extension lead plugged into the stick's own lead, then hang the dongle up in the van. This combination seems to boost the signal by 2 bars:).
Brother has been in Spain and southen France (well down the bottom of France) since middle of December 2008 had plenty of e mails, so i asked him if he was using a dongle (!!!!!!) yes so I am hoping he is going to say it was with 3 as that's the one that seems to get a good rating from the forum
He's Back in march ----- he's a caravanner but we will not hold that against him
I've just e mailed hom to find out which one he uses and how he rates it
vodaphone dongle

Just a point.
Vodaphone now do a 1 gb dongle with unlimited usage ie, it does not run out after a month, look on ebay.
It costs 15 pounds a top up though, but if you are a lite user like me who only uses the internet in the van for occassional surfing and the odd email its certainly value for money, the coverage is equal too, if not better than 3 also.
Comes pre loaded with 15.00 credit also.
I'm up in Fort William as I write this, I'm using my 3 dongle, my wife sat in the back of the M/H and was able to to use the laptop most of the way up from Durham, the only real poor area for cover was from Calender up to Glencoe, the Internet is great for keeping my wife quiet on trips, she sits in the rear of the M/H for most of the journey, stops her asking me how long and are we nearly there.


so where do yer get a free ... sorry ... 3 dongle from then :confused::confused:

seems as if i will give 3 a go, it will be a few weeks untill i need one but it is looking the best one .

Check which dongle you buy Mandrake and anyone else thats looking to purchase. I looked into all the different options and found that 3 provided everything I wanted. I decided to go PAYG and visited my local Curry's...............Big mistake :mad::mad::mad::mad:

The numpty on the shop floor knew less about them than I did (or thought I did) :rolleyes: He showed me a lovely black dongle, which they were doing on special offer £69.99 for the dongle and three months or 3 gb usage. Spot on.
Now I asked him at this point if there was a difference between the Black and the white dongles and was definitely told NO

You guessed it there is, the one I have bought only uses a high speed dial up and only gives me a maximum of 1.3 g. No use for skyping, or doing anything quickly. I went back to Curry's, but unfortunately the lad that sold it to me has now left, and the manager is absolutely positive his staff wouldnt have made a silly mistake like that. So I am lumbered with a slow connection unfortunately, as I am too tight to go and buy another dongle.

Coverage wise, I have had no problems at all, from South Coast all round Midlands and beyond.
Check this page out it tells you the difference between the various 3 dongles.

I've just bought a "3' mobile PAYG "dongle" for connection to the internet. It works like a treat, just plug in to a spare USB2 socket and as long as you have credit and a signal the WWW is yours. I found the 1GB for 10 pounds is more than enough.

Ipod Touch and wifi hotspots work well for me.

MSN, E MAILS, Google etc.:):)
went into our local mobile shops in barnsley, and the staff there seems as knowledgeable as me :eek: only wanted to sell me a package costing 100 quid or so . wqith limited downloads . so i am taking more advice from on here and the internet sites that are around seems as if i can buy a 3 white dongal(dident think any difference in colour ) for 20 quidish and then a simcard that gives unlimited downloads for 10 quid a month lasting 3months at first looks as if i need to do a lot more reserch untill i find out the best deals after all a months of research can save a lot of money
Vodafone do a genuine PAYG dongle, not like "3" where you have to top up every month. Although it is cheaper for larger credits.
Vodafone do a genuine PAYG dongle, not like "3" where you have to top up every month. Although it is cheaper for larger credits.
This is why I use Vodafone (as well as for its coverage up here). There is no time limit on credit unlike others where it, efectively, expires...I may only use mine twice a month at this time of year so Vodafone's method is far more useful.
please bear with me on this
But if you take out eg 12months or 18 month contract what happens at the end of the contract?
I had a 12 month contract with 3 and at the end you have to give 30 days notice to end the contract on exactly 30 days before the last month. Not before or after.If after they carry on the contract.
But when the contract finishes can you use your dongle

Can you use on another network or is it blocked (is that the word) like when you have a phone on contract????????

Like a phone can you have it unblocked????????

or are you left to start looking for another dongle or system?????
3 deals

Just signed up for 3 dongal contract, £5 a month for 45 hours a month online!

Don't know if it's a good deal but should allow a bit of rooming in the summer!
I believe all dongles can be used in Europe but at a very high price, so it's not worth it! Unless other know different!
3 Deals

I am not sure waiting for it to arrive in the next few days, 18 mth contract, 45 hrs allowance then 10p a megabite after your allowance. After the 18 mths you can maintain contract at the £5 if you wish, no doubt technology will move on and we will get a faster dongal by then!

My partner in crime set it up and if it is as read sounds a reasonable deal but she has no idea of overseas use so we will have to wait for the fine print!

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