Meets, rallies, whatever.


Hi folks,
As a result of the Stratford meet up I thought I'd start a 'Meet' thread.
Organising a meet / rally is not as daunting as you may think.

Meets/Rallies held at venues without a camping license such as farmers fields, etc, can be very cheap but must be held under a DEFRA Exemption Certificate, which has to be applied for and only allows members to attend.
(EG If the Wild Camping Forum Webmaster held one only Wild Camping forum members could attend.)
ACCEO (Association of Caravan and Camping Exempted Organisations) can offer all kinds of help / details to anyone thinking about applying for an exemption license.

The easiest meet/rally to organise is one on a rally field that is owed by a caravan site ( such as Riverside in Stratford) so the meet/rally is covered by the caravan site's own license.

1) If you fancy organising a meet/rally in your area, check with local caravan sites to see if they have a rally field.
Ask if they charge a set price for the field (which can be expensive if only a few units turn up) or if they charge per unit per night.
(Charges per unit per night are far better because you can advertise the price well in advance, rather than wait till the day to see how many turn up and divide the cost between them.)
Also, ask in they have a minimum requirement of attendance and tell them the number you expect.
When booking we state we expect a maximum of 20 units. This gives sites with large rally fields a chance to rent out the remainder of the field to others.

2) Decide who you want to invite.
From experience gained this weekend we think in future we would initially invite forum members. If initial response seems low, open the invite to all motorhome forums, if response is still low, open it their friends as well.

3) Don't try and pay it all out of your own pocket. Don't be shy, ask those attending to donate something.
All we paid for at Riverside was a couple of cartons of milk, a jar of coffee, a few teabags, and a couple of packets of biscuits. Everything else was provided by those attending

4) Some sort of get together on the first day/evening introduces everybody to each other and makes the remainder of the rally easy

5) Keep times flexible - a get-together organised for a set time often starts later or earlier depending on weather, external activities, and how many want to watch coronation street!!

Liz and I attend about 20-30 rallies per year with our own club ( and various forums, so we are fairly well 'geared up' for it.
If you haven't got a gazebo or other shelter, ask anyone attending if they have one they can bring.
To save your gas bottle and a stove full of saucepans ask others to bring a kettle of hot water to a coffee morning, etc.

Motorhomers are a friendly bunch with a common interest. Strangers soon become friends, and are happy to 'muck in' and help out.

Lastly, many people go to gatherings such as motorhome shows, etc. If you go with a group its often cheaper than going independantly.
If you are going to a show, see if anybody else is going, and if so, try a group booking. Arranging a meet/rally this way is with the show being the main 'entertainment' makes for an easy meet/rally.

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In another forum that I run ( we have managers for different aspects of the "club". Two managers organise events. The "Smart Mania Sleepover 2007" will take place at Market Rasen race course this June.

I am happy to have commited members take on roles for this forum / club if it will benefit the members.
voxol 51

Thanks for inviting us , we had a great time .I no we done or own thing ,but every one likes different things .Please keep informed about later events.

I now this is a wild camping site, but there is a few people who would like to meet others, and this would be hard in the wild .If any one is going any were and would like to met others ,just open a thread with details and we can take it from there.Going to sort some thing out for end of may.Any one else got any ideas.

great info mate...thanks for that..we had fun in stratford.
would love to organise a meet up...sometime soon...samm
Just a thought

This is just a thought

I have been watching from afar for the last three years (and only recently joined) and seen the forum in its three former incarnations and wonder why recently the site is no longer a wild camping site and has become a general motorhome forum like so many others?
Why cannot the members that wish to meet other motorhome owners not join one of the many general motorhome sites there are on the net and leave this forum to what it was designed for (wildcamping ie no elec, no genny, no tap water etc)?
It seems that the wildest some of the members have been judging by there photos and diatribe is parking on a stretch of cut grass in Wales!

I think that some mistake wildcamping for freecamping!
paulbishop said:
This is just a thought

I have been watching from afar for the last three years (and only recently joined) and seen the forum in its three former incarnations and wonder why recently the site is no longer a wild camping site and has become a general motorhome forum like so many others?
Why cannot the members that wish to meet other motorhome owners not join one of the many general motorhome sites there are on the net and leave this forum to what it was designed for (wildcamping ie no elec, no genny, no tap water etc)?
It seems that the wildest some of the members have been judging by there photos and diatribe is parking on a stretch of cut grass in Wales!

I think that some mistake wildcamping for freecamping!

I think you will find that a lot of the older members that used to be here to just post locations have left since the site has grown
***** said:
Samm, It just makes me mad.
We all have motorhomes & we use them as we like.
Wilding & Campsites. Not a problem, just enjoy!!!
If he could see our special spot?????
that would make him change his mind, but No way!!!;)

I think the clue is in the tilte

Nice one sam and graham. There will allways be someone who is not happy,only natural as we are all different.
Oh dear oh dear

***** said:
:eek: :eek:
Well where do I start.
Ur post is most insultive!!!!:eek:
Yes we camp on sites & by the sea & in car parks!!!
But what the Hek we enjoy ourselves.
Maybe U should try It!!!
I have camped (tented) in Yugo, Greece & Turkey, many years ago (18 to be precise) & I have spent 12 years as an International trucker stopping anywhere, so dont try to say we do dont know what wild camping is about.
Folks talk about Lay by's, well that is not for me, but if it suits them, well so be it, not a problem. Live & let live!
But do not insult my mates!!!!!
They camp where they want to & they enjoy it & I do as well.
If U do not like this great Wild Camping Forum, Maybe U should remove ur self!!!!!
You have hit the nail on the head and no doubt your comments will be whole heartedly supported by like minded people Graham,
Roland Rat.
After 3 years of watching from afar and 14 posts i cannot see any input to any wildcamping
hindquarter park

being of the hairy kind I would just like to say that I don't mind where I park my backside it can be a car park or a thistley piece of grass(all the better to scratch my rearend) sand, forest or campsite (good for foraging of food) Home is where you want to be at the time. Long live the bears (or all who bare all).:p :p :p :p

Nice one . We went into the woods when we wild camped at bude.Did not see any bears ,mainly dogs,had seven with us ourselfs.
Hot Dogs

Nice one . We went into the woods when we wild camped at bude.Did not see any bears ,mainly dogs,had seven with us ourselfs.
I'm glad you like the woods they are my favourite havn't been to bude. I like dogs but preferely hot in a bun, but honey is sweeter and goes down easier like wine.;)

I am the same, they were not my dogs just freinds, who we went out with while down there,it was a nice change.

I am the same, they were not my dogs just freinds, who we went out with while down there,it was a nice change.
Gary. R U calling ur friends Dogs?????
ha ha ha he he he ha ha ha:eek: :eek:
***** said:
:confused: Rob, have u any ideas????
I am going now but any ideas welcome:confused:

sorry missed posts been uploading photosfor sister
heres a link for sites
bakewell ok for daytime parking no overnighting,matlock plenty room and last year could overnight ,have stayed overnight at matlock bath but could be busy .Edale again busy but maybe could find somewhere .also a link on ukcampsite for pubs with camping
***** said:
Cas, we can all do it(wild) when we want to, but there is a time & a place!
In this day & age it is not quite so easy & we do not always want to go wild!:eek:

***** I was not passing judgment on were or how you camp, just saying that as the site has changed so have its members, and how they use the forum. I do not always wild camp, infact as a lone female I am doing less and less myself, there may be a lot more information and general chat now but there is also bickering and people getting all defencive (not spelt right I no) at the slightest comment :)

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