Maxview Omnisat Crank Up Satellite Dish (NEW)

well i googled, found a link and for sale new at £34.65 my german friend says they are the best, he has some and his friends too.

Dreambox 500S DM 500+ Satellite Receiver with SCART + RS232 Interface ESPOW

Yes thats it...its a tiny box too. Scart for connecting to TV and RS232 is to connect it to computer to update also has a Lan connection to connect to your home network and internet you can also stream programmes to a computer anywhere in the world if you got broadband both ends. Amazing little box.

Ive got 4 different sat boxes in the house now and we can watch different programmes in every room if we want. I started years ago with a technomate then moved to a dreambox 500s then a dreambox 800 and now have a VU+ Duo. Motorised satellite systems are huge everywhere else in europe but still a bit underground here because of Sky's monopoly but i believe that may change in the next few years.

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