fred ee
This kind of posting freaks me out. Statements like "I believe...etc" are totally meaningless. Come up with facts and figures, without which, it's a waste of everyone's time!
You seem to be easily freaked out!
Must be a suvverner.
Outer Mongolia is nice this time of year and nobody minds gennies up there.
i hear you get strapped to aframe and gassed .its ok if you are tooled up andnot speeding along .
john , havent you ever driven up a mountain or hill here gone for a pee in a thetford toilet forgot to slightly open the slider . ?
when you do it goes woooooosh pee every where . if you are sitting on it its better washes your bum.
my mate did it at burgos in spain ,got absolutly plasterd . we still laugh about it . good campfire taslk.
The handbags are out again!