Max length of vehicles on Aire's

This kind of posting freaks me out. Statements like "I believe...etc" are totally meaningless. Come up with facts and figures, without which, it's a waste of everyone's time!
Thanks for that comment Fred ee.

Now I will not waste my time looking for the info. :confused:

Although on the other hand if I do come across it I will announce the fact and members can pm me. ;)

I know that my 8.2 metres is legal in the UK. :D

eeee Fred you are a bit testy. I have just seen your posting on generators. :eek:

Outer Mongolia is nice this time of year and nobody minds gennies up there. :cool:
hi maingate . 8.2 is legal in uk as 12mtr is themax for rigids. and can be upto 16.5 for artics all depends on turning circles etc. havnt heard of length restrictions in europe but if its legal here it is there.
i hear you get strapped to aframe and gassed .its ok if you are tooled up andnot speeding along .
i hear you get strapped to aframe and gassed .its ok if you are tooled up andnot speeding along .

Do you have an a frame fetish? - that's at least three times you've mentioned them. If so, I hear there are magazines for people like you!
aframes get debated at frquent intervals just like gas .gennies etc and exploding toilets in the mountains.
Clearly there's a lot more interesting stuff on this site that I haven't found yet - must look up those exploding toilets. Happy travels.
If I need FACTUAL information I would certainly not expect to get it from a forum.

Maingate opens gob with an unsubstantiated statement about vehicle length and, thus, starts another myth.

Others claim to have been 'gassed' in their van. Only in their imagination!

Others are adamant that A frames are illegal. They're not!

Reverse-polarity in Europe will kill you - no it won't!

Police impersonators shooting out your tyres in Spain - Never happened!

The myths go on and on.

No wonder a new motorhomer can get paranoid reading all this verbiage (or did I mean crap!) and, possibly, be put off before he/she gets started.
Fred - most of the points you make are valid but why do you make them in such a way as to ensure that you put everybody else's backs up? Could it be that you are going for the title of "most annoying poster on the site"? If so, I gladly admit defeat.
Well Fred.

I have looked at your earlier postings from when you joined and you certainly have never put in anything factual or useful.

It is all self opiniated claptrap.

Why do you bother with us "weekenders" when you are a macho, roughy toughy full timer, taking up the brave fight in a motorhome in Europe.

I wish I could be as brave as you.
i was born in doncaster ,now live in cornwall .sometimes i call a spade ,,,sir. he could be very big and strong so its yes sir no problem. ha ha

john , havent you ever driven up a mountain or hill here gone for a pee in a thetford toilet forgot to slightly open the slider . ?
when you do it goes woooooosh pee every where . if you are sitting on it its better washes your bum.
my mate did it at burgos in spain ,got absolutly plasterd . we still laugh about it . good campfire taslk.
i look in the aires book for the max length of van allowed i know the book dont have every aire in it but its a good guide
my aires book is 1999 so doesnt say anything about lengths . its france who cares . when driving trucks over there we just pulled on nobody cares . i now use a mini artic never been told to move. some in uk say mines a car n caravan . it is when it suits me other times its a fifth wheel motor home. could be a truck if it suits me .not them.
john , havent you ever driven up a mountain or hill here gone for a pee in a thetford toilet forgot to slightly open the slider . ?
when you do it goes woooooosh pee every where . if you are sitting on it its better washes your bum.
my mate did it at burgos in spain ,got absolutly plasterd . we still laugh about it . good campfire taslk.

I guess my life just isn't as full as yours....................................
The handbags are out again!

The handbags are out again!


LOL, Nice Barry like it.

Guys as I started this thread can I say thanks to all for the info, In short there are no restrictions on vehicles lengths that anyone is aware of that will affect me in my Kontiki

Thanks all now I'm off to buy a diesel Genny and fit a home made gaslow system made from an old fish tank and a pair of vals old knickers, I'm then going to sit at my dinnettte table with the stereo at full volume and let me dog run off and crap on the neighbours path.

Wheres the japanese whisky Nic?

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