Marquis Motor Homes

Forget solicitors, A trip to trading standards and an accurate documentation of events will serve far better. As a rule dealers don't like TS showing too much interest addition IF and it is an IF other customers have been short changed the OPs friends case will possibly be part of evidence in a collective prosecution.

Benimar the factory of course they wont let you in ...factory operatives are that not mechanics ..and besides the contract is with the dealer not the manufacturer.
Bad service on the manufacturers part compared to Hymer that I do agree but a difference in premium


To be fair Chausson did let you go to factory and did deal with problems
To be fair Chausson did let you go to factory and did deal with problems

Some do hence my reference to Hymer I know they helped ***** ...But it certainly seems not across the board some importesr adopt concessinaiires a different kettle of fish altogether

Not really true. For example, cheap vans have compressor fridges or Thetford 3-way ones. Even with Dometic fridges, there are several different levels of quality (and price).

Yes, a lot of motorhomes (almst all in fact) are assembled from bought-in components, but there is often a good way to do things and a cheap way to do them.

There is usualy a choice of components to use and how you incorporate them. For example, compare a Hymer S class witha Hymer Swing.

Have you checked the prices of compressor fridges?
Too much modern-day reliance on electrics & technology, imho - plus it makes people lazy (or lazier than they should be!) ;)

I would instinctively never buy an electrically operated bed at home, never mind in a camper!

OK I can see the benefit for some people who have a disability etc., but I just assume it's automatically going to break down at some point and can't be chewed with the hassle.

Heck, I even hate having electrically operated windows in a vehicle!

Good old-fashioned manual operation for certain things every time, thank you! :)

PS. we're supposed to be saving power, not burning it, and not everyone has solar panels. Just sayin' :)
Not really true. For example, cheap vans have compressor fridges or Thetford 3-way ones. Even with Dometic fridges, there are several different levels of quality (and price).

Yes, a lot of motorhomes (almst all in fact) are assembled from bought-in components, but there is often a good way to do things and a cheap way to do them.

There is usualy a choice of components to use and how you incorporate them. For example, compare a Hymer S class witha Hymer Swing.

Cheap & cheerful or quality, the manufacturers & dealers make a nice profit either way and no guarantee that either won't break down regardless of quality :)

Many years ago a chap from Sunderland bought a brand new Jag. Drove it out of showroom, 10 miles down the road engine blew up.

I know, that kind of thing doesn't happen often and I understand and agree that you pays your money you takes your choice & quality usually does last, but just sayin' :)
Sounds like a normal new motorhome purchase to me :lol-049::scared:

I don’t agree at all. Choose a good brand and a good dealer and the experience is normally great. We are on our third van, two had minor issues all sorted timely by experienced dealers. In both cases the dealers are family owned and you are able to speak to them if needed. People need to put as much consideration into choosing a dealer as choosing a van.

The two dealers I have used are Emm-Bee at Bury and SMC at Newark.
Hairydog, I do not consider £40,000 is cheap. These people did not know any better and trusted the dealership. I do agree with you in that you can buy a good second hand van for a lot less money. The problem is these dealerships rip off a lot of people who do not know any better or in our friends case they bought a new van because in their seventies they wanted peace of mind.

Customers spending that amount of money need to do some research. It would soon have become apparent that at £40k (for a new coachbuilt) you are buying a very budget brand and could make an informed decision based on that information. You can blame the dealer for lots of things but not that he sold a budget brand van.
Todds Motorhomes, Lostock Hall have a very good reputation Todds Motorhomes

I know 4 people that have bought from them, 2 new and 2 used, all 4 have been very very pleased with the service they receive from Todds.

Their accessory shop is very well stocked and competitively priced and is where i buy all my motorhome related items / products.
We have an ever increasing list of stupid faults but to be honest I just can't be bothered to sort them as the whole process annoys the hell out of me .
I might make a concerted effort to sort today as the dealer has a few bits in now for collection.
I think all brands are as bad as each other as they are all made with the same crap :(

Based on the vans we looked at, the UK crap is far superior to the German crap. The British builds take it to a whole new level.
Had my van over a year now no complaints with it or dealer apart from the fiat side couple of recalls and just keep looking at it and saying to myself did I actually pay that much for a fiat but happy in general vans going in next week for service and realy there’s so much crammed into a mh that theres bound to be a few teething probs silly little things I wouldn’t even bother the dealer with might be a big deal to someone else with little or no mh or diy experience. You have to keep some kind of relationship with dealer threatening them just gets you nowhere just have to bite you’re tongue and be patient.
Read this with interest, given our current experience with a new " budget" motorhome. We researched the dealer prior to purchase and reviews were reasonable with no really bad ones. We were, I think , just very unlucky in the actual vehicle. Unfortunately, not everyone has the time for selfconversion to ensure good workmanship, even if they have the skills! And budget is always an issue...we bought at the top of our budget and expected minor faults. A "good second hand" would not have a euro 6 engine at our budget either. The difference in dealers is how they deal with the problems. In our case a four month wait for parts to be able to use the van was not acceptable. Whether that is the dealers fault or manufacturers is debatable! It's being collected this week and refund should be in next couple of days. The good thing is that we will have finished the home conversion soon so can get a van and selfbuild. At least we now know exactly what we do and don't want in a mh, it has been an extended trial !! Nothing is ever completely negative, just takes a while to see the positives!
Go on then I will be drawn the biggest thieves in the motor trade are customers .......swopping tyres,changing batteries all of a sudden losing spare keys,

It is probably lost but Marquis have not been given the opportunity to respond so familiarise yourself with slander laws on a public forum.

If people started threatening me with litigation in the motortrade you would get the same answer get on with it.


I agree the dealer should be given a chance to respond . Believe it or not there are always 2 sides to an argument , though sometimes one side's case is pretty weak .
Not had a problem with any dealer . Though I'd like to know how current faults (all minor but annoying) suddenly happened 2 weeks after warranty expired .
Apart from Thule step which stopped working a month before warranty expired , can't blame dealer I didn't get round to telling him
I don't know all of the ins and outs of this case, obviously.

But if their reaction to legal action is "get on with it", then they must be pretty sure of their ground.
I don't know all of the ins and outs of this case, obviously.

But if their reaction to legal action is "get on with it", then they must be pretty sure of their ground.

I think possibly with the larger dealers Rob, They will be members of the NCC and or SMMT and membership provides legal cover. Furthermore that legal cover will be biased towards consumer and contract law, SO they will use it as it costs nothing.

Like in REC s case I advised and still do trading standards are the best bet for 101 reasons. I have always found them impartial and sensible resolving issues without the emotional / unrealistic baggage people often have.

........Like in REC s case I advised and still do trading standards are the best bet for 101 reasons. I have always found them impartial and sensible resolving issues without the emotional / unrealistic baggage people often have.


Yes, I've used them myself Andy.

As you say, impartial and usually in a better position to see who is in the right without emotional clouding. They can often reach a satisfactory conclusion which is also often a compromise of some sort.

Thank you to everyone for all your comments and information. If there are more they are quite welcome. A special thank you to Vanmandan, his information may well come in very useful. It goes without saying that I think my friend has got a big fight on his hands. I do agree with trading standards as well, they are free and sometimes work miracles. One of the reasons I joined the site many years ago was for the knowledge base of other Motor Homers which is fantastic. However, even if one buys a so called budget van for £40,000 or more you expect a tap to work and not fall to pieces and you expect that when you take it in for a leak that they repair it.
Marquis have been given every chance to put the vehicle right. The last episode with our friends was they opened the shower door and it fell off. There are minute cracks on the body work now and our friend is now wondering what will happen next. He paid his money for piece of mind which he certainly has not got. We personally have never bought new always second hand and never from a dealer.
Thanks again. PJ.

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